Part 18. (Coma)

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I coughed getting my brothers attention when he looked back and smirked. I walked up to him and looked up at him with a confused face.

Y/n: Robby, what the fuck are you doing here? - I asked he chuckled. Sam was behind me.

Robby: Came to check on your dear boyfriend. - He said smirking with a chuckle. I looked at him confused.

Y/n: Ex, and how did you know that? - I asked still confused.

Robby: Tory told me everything. - He said with a chuckle. I got mad.

Y/n: Get out! - I raised my voice. He started walking out when he looked back at me.

Robby: Enjoy getting your ass kicked by Tory. She's coming back for revenge. - I flipped him off before he left.

Sam: How do you know Robby? - I looked her.

Y/n: He's my brother. - I sighed.

Sam: How? You have different last names? - She asked. I chuckled.

Y/n: I'll tell you later. - She nodded and left the room leaving me with a sleeping Eli. I just stared at him. I grabbed his hand and laid my hand on his chest. 

Y/n: I wish you were awake so this would be easier. But I wanted to tell you how sorry I am. I can't say I didn't mean to hurt you because I did and that's very hard to say. - I started crying.

Y/n: Eli Moskowitz... please forgive me when you wake up. - I asked. The doctor ended up walking in. I looked at her and asked...

Y/n: How long will he be asleep for? - I asked wiping away my tears. She gave me sympathetic look.

Doctor: Sweetie... he's in a coma. - She said and I felt my heart stop.

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