Part 23. (Bait)

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~4 Days Later~

I opened my eyes to reveal a dark room, I tried to move but realized I was tied to a chair.  

Y/n: COULD SOMEONE HELP ME? - I yelled for help. Then I heard someone cough.

???: Y/n, look to your side. - I heard a female voice said. I looked to my side and seen Sam tied to a chair as well. She had also been beaten up too, she was crying.

Y/n: Sam? They got you too? - I asked almost in tears. She nodded.

Sam: Why did they do this? - She asked. I sighed.

Y/n: Because of me. - I said sternly. She looked confused.

Y/n: God DAMNIT! If they wanted revenge they should have snatched just me! - I raised my voice.

Sam: You never told me how you and Robby are siblings? - She asked. I looked at her.

Y/n: Well... when Robby's mom and our dad divorced, our dad hooked up with another chick which would be my mother, her name is Erika Anderson. - I said.

Sam: So is your last name Anderson? - She asked confused. I chuckled.

Y/n: I took my mom's last name because my dad doesn't give a flip about me. - I said.

Sam: How did you know Robby was your brother? - She asked. Then someone walked in.

???: Because our dad told us everything. - I looked up and seen Robby walking up to us.

Y/n: ROBBY! Get us out of these ropes NOW! - I yelled a him. He rolled his eyes.

Robby: Calm down! Jeez. And no. - He chuckled. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

Sam: I can't believe I ever dated you! - She raised her voice. Robby looked hurt. I snapped my head towards her.

Y/n: You dated my brother? - I asked. She nodded.

Robby: All the way up until she cheated on me while I was in juvie. - I said.

Y/n: Is that true Sam? - I asked her. She didn't reply. I rolled my eyes.

Y/n: With who? - I asked her. 

Robby: With Miguel.  - He said looking at Sam then at me.

Y/n: WITH MY BESTFRIEND? - I asked. She looked away.

Sam: It's in the past. - She said. Tory walked in and walked to us.

Tory: Your awake? Good. - She said with a evil grin.

Y/n: Why are we here? - I asked. She smirked.

Tory: You're our bait.

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