Part 13. (Sabotage)

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It's Now night time and Tory is taking me to get my first tattoo. We soon arrived at the tattoo place and I was sat in a chair. I showed the tattoo artist what I wanted and he got his ink needle ready and started drawing it into my skin.  As he was doing that I checked my phone messages to see a shit ton of messages from the Myagi Do's. I ignored them. In fact I blocked each one of them.  After the tattoo artist was done I looked at my tattoo in the mirror.

Y/n: Wow! I really like it! - I said turning around to look at Tory, she chuckled and came to me grabbing my arm.

Tory: Ready to trash Hawks bike? - She asked walking out of the shop with me. I looked at her shocked and confused.

Y/n: Ugh.... - She looked at me for and answer. I smirked.

Y/n: Hell yeah! - Then we left.

~An Hour Later~

We arrived at hawks house, memories flooding my head of the night we made out and he claimed me. we got out of the car and Tory spotted his bike. She was carrying a hatch and handed me a bucket of paint. I was nervous. we walked over the the bike making sure we were clear first. Tory looked at me with a smirk.

Tory: Ready? - She asked. I slightly nodded. I opened the paint and got slung it on the bike smearing it in paint. Once I was done, Tory slung the hatchet in the air...

Tory: This is for Hawk YOU TRAITOR! - She yelled. Then she hit the bike, tearing it piece to piece in every spot. I heard Hawks front door open, I tapped Tory on the shoulder and she stopped, I pointed to the door and we both hid behind a bush. I seen Hawk come out and look around then he spotted his bike, he ran over to it then his mom came out and seen it. 

Mrs. Moskowitz: Omg! What happened? - She asked Hawk, her eyes on the bike.

Hawk: Some dumbasses decided to sabotage my fucking bike! - He raised his voice. His mom put her hands over her mouth. 

Hawk: Mom can you give me a second? - He asked her, she nodded and walked back inside. He looked at his bike and then spotted the hatch and paint bucket we left. He picked up the bucket of paint and looked at it, he stopped when he seen something on it. His face grew angrier as he looked around. He soon went inside, I and Tory decided to leave. we hopped in her car and she dropped me off at my house. I went to bed that night knowing that I would get caught tomorrow.

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