Part 14. (Detention)

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I'm walking through the school halls before class started and met up with Tory. We both sat on a bench talking. We seen Hawk and Tory started laughing at him, he gave her a dirty look and then went over to Demetri and Miguel. I decided to go to the bathroom. When I came out I seen Demetri leaning on the wall as if he was waiting for me. I looked at him and he looked at me as well, he smiled.

Demetri: Where were you when we had the dojos join? You were supposed to be there? - He asked, stepping in front of me. I tried to get out of the way but Miguel stepped in front of me.

Miguel: Hey, y/n. - He said smiled. I rolled my eyes and they looked at me confused.

Miguel: What's up with you? - He asked.

Y/n: Can you both just leave me the fuck alone! - I asked raising my voice. They looked at me confused. Hawk walked up and just stared at me, I eventually got uncomfortable and was about to leave but then Tory walked up.

Tory: Y/n let's go-why are they here? - She asked I chuckled.

Y/n: Don't know? Have no clue who they are? - I said sarcastically, she chuckled and grabbed my arm leading me to class. They all just stared with shocked expression's as I walked away.


I'm currently sitting at my desk not even listening to what the teachers lesson. I felt someone tap my shoulder, I looked back and seen Demetri handing me a paper.

Demetri: It's from Eli. - He whispered. I rolled my eyes and read it.

~The Note~

Why were you hanging 

out with Tory 

today like you were



I rolled my eyes and crumbled the paper throwing it at Hawks face. The teacher seen this.

Teacher: Y/n! Eli! Detention, go! Now! - I looked back at Hawk and flipped him off he rolled his eyes and we both got up and headed to detention.


It was quiet for a few minutes until Hawk looked at me and asked.

Hawk: You never answered me you know? - He asked. I didn't even look at him.

Hawk: What's on your arm? - He asked. I looked at him and seen him looking at my arm. I looked at my arm and seen my tattoo. I smirked and looked a him.

Y/n: It's called a tattoo, you of all people should know that. - I told him with an eye roll.

Hawk: Why are you acting like this? is it because of me? Because if so I'm sorry.. - He said. I slammed my hands on my desk and yelled.

Y/n: JUST SHUTUP! - He looked at me shocked.  

Y/n: Can't I just live my life the way I want to without questions. - He looked away then back at me.

Hawk: I.. I just don't want you to end up like I did.. - He said. I shook my head and rolled my eyes.

Y/n: Too late.. - I mumbled but he heard me and frowned.

Hawk: You did it didn't you? - He asked, now looking at me. I looked at him confused.

Hawk: You destroyed my bike. - He said, I smirked.

Hawk: I'm done with this. - He said. 

Y/n: we've already settled that. - I said. I got up and grabbed my bag and walked out of the room.

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