Part 12. (Becoming One)

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*Sam's Pov*

I waited outside of my dad's dojo along with other Myagi Do's until my dad came out. A few minutes passed and we seen him opening his door and coming out. He stood there and looked around at all of us, I looked to my side and seen Miguel walking around the dojo building. He smiled at me. Then Hawk came and others followed behind him. The all took a place with us. Miguel stood beside me and Hawk stood beside Demetri, they did there handshake Y/n always talked about secretly learning to make them mad. I chuckled to myself. After a few minutes of everyone greeting each other with hugs and handshakes we all looked to the side and seen, Johnny Lawrence walk up. He went and took his place beside my dad and they did the sensei bowing thing as did everyone else.

Daniel: Ready? - He yelled.

Johnny: Let's begin! - He yelled as well.

~A Few Hours Later~

After all of that training everyone was wore out. Me, Miguel, Demetri, and Hawk was all sitting in the dojo on ground chatting.

Sam: Hey, does anyone one know where Y/n was today? - I asked while stretching my legs.

Miguel: Yeah she should have been here today? - Everyone looked at Hawk. He rolled his eyes.

Hawk: We kind of broke it off yesterday.. - He said looking at his hands. Everyone looked at him like "Why?"

Demetri: You broke up with the most amazing girl in the world? - He asked. Hawk looked at him a rolled his eyes.

Sam: I'm sure she'll be back soon, right? - I asked. everyone looked at each other.

*Your Pov*

I was punching a punching back in, Sensei Kreese's dojo, him watching from behind me. I was letting out all of my anger out but it only grew stronger, I starting punching so hard that my fist's started bleeding. I stopped punching it and went to a near bye sing to wash my fist and wrap them with a cloth. Kreese walked in.

Kreese: Tell me, what made Hawk break it off? - He asked making sure he got the whole story. I looked up at him.

Y/n: He said I wasn't safe around him. - I said pissed. Sweat ran down my fore head. Tori walked in, she looked at me confused and mad at the same time.

Tori: Sensei? what is she doing here? - She asked.

Kreese: She's our new student. Because of Hawk, she would like to transfer dojo's. - He told her while walking out of the bathroom. Tori looked at me with a smirk.

Tori: So? Let me guess... he broke up with you? - I rolled my eyes. Tori walked over to me.

Tori: Looks like we're going to be good friends. Let's get revenge. - I looked up at her and smirked. She smirked back.

Y/n: I was already planning that. - She chuckled.

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