Part 21. (Advice)

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Sam ended up picking us up and dropping us two off at his place. He grabbed my hand and dragged me to his room. I sat on his bed and he pushed me back on to it. he hovered over me with a funny grin.

Y/n: Oh... ok? We actually doing it this time? - He chuckled.

Hawk: Shut up. - He laughed and so did I. He leaned in and started kissing me passionately, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in, he moved to my neck and started kissing me, I tugged on his shirt wanting to see what I saw last time we came close to this. He stopped kissing me for a second a took his shirt off, I smiled and he chuckled. We continued to kiss and I trailed my fingers down his abs. I broke the kiss and took my shirt off leaving me in a bra. He stared at me with a smile.

Y/n: What? - I asked chuckling. He chuckled.

Hawk: I'm going to claim you. - Next thing I knew is he was sucking my neck.

~The Next Day~

I was on the phone with Sam after Eli walked me home. 

~On The Phone~

Sam: Did he really mark you? - She asked chuckling. I giggled.

Y/n: Yeah, I'll show you a picture later. 

Sam: Okay. - She laughed.

Sam: WAIT! - She yelled through the phone.

Y/n: What? - I asked.

Sam: Did he take your virginity? Because I swear I'll kill him! - She said. I laughed.

Y/n: Calm down. No, he didn't. besides, I'm not ready for that yet. - I sighed.

Sam: Good! - She chuckled and so did I.

Y/n: Well I got to go, I'll see ya soon! 

Sam: Okay, bye! - You hung up.

~After Phone Call~

I heard a knock on my bedroom door, I got up and went to open it. It was Miguel. He smiled.

Y/n: Hey? What's up? - I asked with a smile.

Miguel: Can I come in? - He asked still smiling.

Y/n: Sure! - I opened the door more and he walked in. I sat on my bed and he sat beside me.

Miguel: I need some advice. - He asked looking at me.

Y/n: For what exactly? - I asked. He sighed.

Miguel: I'm planning on asking Sam on a date since last time we went on one it wasn't necessarily a date? - He said as more of a question.

Y/n: Is this relationship advice your asking for? - I asked chuckling. He nodded.

Y/n: Jesus Miguel.. - He looked at me confused.

Miguel: What? Did I do something wrong? - He asked. I shook my hand.

Y/n: Your asking me, of all people, you ask me for relationship advice? - I asked chuckling.

Miguel: Yeah you're maybe right.. -He sighed and and got up and started leaving.

Y/n: Miguel, wait. - I asked him. He turned around at me a smirked. I chuckled and patted the seat next to me and he sat down.

Y/n: I can help some. - He nodded.

Y/n: But if I'm wrong just... just be you. That's how she liked you right? - I asked. He nodded.

Miguel: See Y/n, you can give good advice. - He got up and left with a smile.

Y/n: BUT IF I'M WRONG, DON'T COMECRYING TO ME! - I yelled to him. I chuckled.

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