Part 5. (Meeting Hawk)

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Miguel got up and started walking to him, me following behind. They did the bro hug and handshake thing again.

?: Who's she? - He asked Miguel. Miguel looked at me and smiled then looked back at the mohawk dude.

Miguel: Hawk this is, Y/n, Y/n this is Eli except we call him Hawk. - I looked at Hawk and waved, he smiled and waved back.

Hawk: You're that girl I see everywhere aren't you? - He said smirking.

Y/n: You're that guy who gave me a nasty look on my first day of school. - I said smiling sarcastically. He laughed. Miguel got serious.

Miguel: You did WHAT? - He yelled at Hawk. Hawk laughed.

Hawk: Relax I was just in a bad mood that day. - He said chuckling. Miguel eased up.

Miguel: Why what happened? - He asked confused.

Hawk: I toilet papered the teachers car with ass-face, so I had to go to detention for it. - He said rolling his eyes. I giggled. Hawk looked over at me with a smirk.

Hawk: So... you two a thing? I mean how will Sam react? - He asked.

Miguel: We're not a thing she just has no friends besides me and Sam. Sam decided to stay home. - Hawk just nodded and looked at me once more this time up and down. I got uncomfortable.

Hawk: You don't talk much do you? - He asked me.

Miguel: You're probably scaring her. - He chuckled looking behind him at me who was behind him slightly. Hawk laughed and walked over to me, he bent down a little because I'm short. He smirked.

Hawk: I'm not scary unless your some rude ass jerk. - I faked a smile.

Miguel: Stop. - He said chuckling.

Hawk:  We should hang out some time soon Miguel. -  He said walking away.

Miguel: Yeah tomorrow is fine. - He replied. Hawk looked back at me then Miguel.

Hawk: Maybe bring your friend too. - He said smirking, then he looked at me and winked. Next thing I knew he disappeared into the shadow. I didn't know this until now... I had major butterflies when he was around.. 

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