Part 9. (House Fight!)

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Today started out like any other day, wake up, do the usual. Everyone is currently sitting at the table besides, Demetri, Miguel, and Sam, discussing who knows what? I wasn't listening in on it. Instead I'm over here racking up nerves on what would go down today and what Hawk meant by invading us? I decided to listen to whatever they were saying.

Demetri: Ok, not good but, it's a start. - After he said that everyone heard a cat outside. Everyone snapped there heads the direction of the cat sounds. Until some random nerd spoke up.

Nerd: Awe, I think your cat wants to come in. - he said getting up and walking to the door and opening it.

Nerd: Here, kitty, kitty, kitty. - He called out to it. Miguel and I looked at same confused.

Miguel: I didn't know you had a cat.

Y/n: Heh, yeah. - I said also.

Sam: We don't? - I looked at her confused. Before we knew it the nerd was flying through the glass window, glass pieces falling everywhere. Everyone jumped and ran over to him. 

Miguel: BERT WHAT HAPPENED? - He yelled.

Nerd: It's no cat. He said looking at us with blood on his face. as if timed correctly I looked over and seen Hawk and his buddies walk in with nasty looks on there faces. Kyler was there, me and Miguel noticed at the same time. Miguel had some history with him, I didn't but I heard enough to know he isn't any good. 

Kyler: It's payback time ree. - Miguel Helped the nerd up and everyone backed up. Surprisingly Eli hasn't spotted me yet, because I am hidden behind everyone. 

Kyler: Let's go. - He said cracking his own neck. Then the door behind me slung open to reveal Tori and her other jerks behind her. 

Tori: Heard you were throwing a party? - She asked Sam.

Tori: Hope you don't mind if we crash? - When she said that I snapped my head towards Eli giving him the nastiest look even if he couldn't see me.

Miguel: Tori, you don't have to do this. - He said to her.

Tori: It's too late. This ends tonight! NO MERCY! - Everyone took stance, and then the fighting happened. I ran and hid in a corner behind a desk and just watched. I seen Kyler kick Miguel in the face and Miguel fall to the ground.

Kyler: YOU SAW THAT KICK, COME ON! - He yelled at Miguel. Miguel got up and got slung into the couch. I watched as Demetri kick butt and then get his butt kicked along with the 2 nerds. Then  I seen Hawk... being a punk... I wanted to cry, I never seen this side of him, ever? I seen Sam getting kicked in the stomach and I seen her holding the pain, that's wen I got up and stood by her, she looked at me and nodded then we charged to the guy and through him over the side table. I felt myself bump into someone so I turned around and the person grabbed me by the waist and slung me into the wall, I looked up to see Eli staring at me, once he noticed his face softened and gave me a confused look. I seen Tori going bye me so I stuck my leg out and tripped her. She got up right when Sam came over and Tori just stared at us two with the evilest look. I noticed Sam having a panic attack so I tried to calm her down. I took her to another room to try and talk to her but she didn't listen, then Tori walked in... Tori kicked Sam in the face and pushed me to the ground.

Tori: I gotta be honest LaRusso,  I thought you put up more of a fight? - She said that and I got pissed.

Y/n: Yeah...BUT I DO! - I jumped up and side kicked her in the stomach then ducked down and tripped her. I learned this move from hawk. she got back up, looked around until she found num-chuks.

Tori: Guess I'll have to beat it out of you! - Then she slung to hit Sam but missed and hit a table. Sam tried to leave but Tori stepped in front of Sam.

Tori: Where you gonna go LaRusso? - Then she slung the num-chucks at Sam but Sam dodged it and it shattered one of Daniel LaRusso's pictures. I quickly ran over to Sam giving her a piece of advice, then as Tori slung one last time me and Sam dodged it and Sam went to get a stick. I stepped back lettings Sam do her thing. I noticed that she was dodging every hit so I ran to make sure everyone else was okay. Once I made my way the the living area, I seen everyone still fighting. I ran over to Miguel and started helping him beat up Kyler but that ended up leaving us laying on the floor in pain.  I got up and so did Miguel and we both went separate ways. I went to help Demetri. We were missing every hit and getting punches to the face, I noticed Hawk looking our way and I got as much breath to tell Demetri, Demetri looked over and we just watched as Hawk stood there watching us get our asses beat. Hawk put on a serious face which scared me, then one of the guys beating Demetri up spoke..

Bully 1: Hey, yo hawk! Free shot! - He yelled over at him. Me and Demetri looked at each other with "Oh No" faces plastered on us. As if in slow motion Hawk started running towards us, I and Demetri closed our eyes, and then...

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