Part 20. (I Love You Too!)

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~1 Day Later~

Miguel told me that the only way to get Eli's memory back was doing things we done in the past so that it would trigger his memory. Today I decided to take Eli to the park and at the swings to trigger the first time we actually met. Sam dropped us off and we're now walking down the sidewalk.

Y/n: How you been - I asked. He looked at me and smiled.

Eli: I could be better if I remembered stuff. - He chuckled. I patted him on the back and chuckled as well.

Y/n: Give it time. - I said chuckling. We eventually arrived at the park and started swinging.

~1 Hour Later~

I eventually ended up getting impatient. "Give it time Y/n" I thought to myself. I got snapped out of my thoughts as I heard a stick crack. Me and Eli snapped our heads that way. I got up but Eli stepped in front of me.

Y/n: What are you doing? - I asked him in a whisper. He looked to the woods.

Hawk: Stay behind me. - I looked at him confused,

Y/n: I'm capable of handling my self Eli. - I told him.

Hawk: Just listen to me for once! - He raised his voice in a whisper. "For once?" I thought to myself.

Eli: WHO'S THERE? - He yelled. I watched as I seen Tory, Robby, and the other Cobra's come out of the woods with evil grins plastered on there faces. I started to feel anxious. 

Y/n: Not this shit again? TORY DROP IT! - I yelled at her. She started walking to me, Robby behind her but Eli stepped more in front of me.

Tory: Oh? You two back together again? - She asked smirking. I sighed.

Robby: Let's just get this over with. - He rolled his eyes at everyone. I mocked him. Tory took the first kick towards Eli but he dodged it, next thing I know everyone is fighting.

~A Few Minutes Later~

Tory came running towards me but I dodged her, grabbing her legs and flipping her over me and on to the ground. I stuck my foot on her stomach and looked down at her with a smirk.

Y/n: Like I said,  Drop. It. - I removed my foot and she got up and walked away with the other cobra's. I turned to Eli and seen him smiling. I walked over to him.

Y/n: What? - I asked chuckling.

Hawk: That's my girl. - He said smiling. I gave him a confused smile.

Hawk: You always had a sassy attitude. I like it. - He said pulling me into a hug but I pushed him away, he looked at me confused.

Y/n: You remember me? - I asked. He smiled.

Hawk: Always have. Miguel and I planned this. I never lost my memory you dork! How could I ever forget the love of my life? - He said smiling. I looked at him shocked.

Hawk: What? - He asked.

Y/n: You... you - I asked, stuttering. He smiled and walked up to me, our faces inches apart.

Hawk: Yeah... yeah I did. Got problem with that? - He asked tickling me.

Y/n: No! I...I love you to! - I said chuckling. He smiled and pulled me in for a kiss.

Hawk: Good. - He said looking down at me.

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