Part 17. (Hospital)

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~2 Days Later~


I slept. It is now morning and I supposed to be at school in 30 minutes. Luckily for me I live 30 minutes away from valley school. My mom eventually walked in my room a started shaking me.

Mom: Wake up! You're gonna be late! - She yelled while shaking me.

Y/n: I'm aware. - I said, my eyes still closed. She pulled the cover off of me.

Y/n: What the heck MOM? - I yelled.

Mom: Get up and go now. - She said sternly, I sighed and did so. I was dreading today, I did not want to have to be face to face with Hawk... if he even had a face? I wouldn't doubt if he didn't, and it's because of me. 

~At School~

I put my hood over my head and made my way inside the school. I walked passed Miguel and his friends and the just stared at me. I walked to my locker and got my books when I heard someone speak.

???: You okay y/n? - The person asked. Then I remembered "Damnit! I forgot I had locker neighbors with Demetri!" I thought. I slammed my locker shut and came face to face with Demetri. He faked a smile.

Y/n: I'm am perfectly okay, you? - I lied. He looked down. I know that look.. somethings wrong.

Y/n: What is it? - I asked. He sighed.

Demetri: Eli's in the hospital y/n. - He said looking at me. I looked down then back at him.

Y/n: Do I look like I care? 

Demetri: Bu.. - I cut him off.

Y/n: But nothing Demetri, Go live your stupid life and stop bothering everyone else's. - I said walking off but inside I actually cared and needed to get to Eli but it would be to awkward.

~After School~

I was walking to the park to relax. I arrived at the park and sat on a bench. I started thinking about how bad Eli got hurt, I heard stories of how he was such a sweet boy before Cobra Kai and how it changed him in so many ways. I honestly wish I knew him then. I started thinking about how Cobra Kai did the same thing to me and how me and Eli went through the same crap because of Cobra Kai, but I went through a break up before I transferred dojo's, he on the other hand went through a break up after with moon. But he's changed now, he's a good guy, it's me who's the antagonist in my story now. I need to change. I got brought out of my thoughts by Tory sitting next to me.

Tory: Hey. - she said simply. I faked a smile.

Tory: Your hurt aren't you? - She asked.  I shrugged.

Tory: You need to get over it. He's not worth it, none of them are. Can't you see I'm your only true friend? Sam claimed I stole her mom's wallet, Demetri claimed I made Hawk break his arm, and Miguel... Miguel cheated on me. This is why they are not worth it. - She said. I looked at her.

Tory: They said Cobra's are the evil ones and that I'm the bully. - She said.

Y/n: Maybe you are. - I mumbled. She snapped her head towards me.

Tory: Excuse me? - I looked at her and stood up, she did as well.

Y/n: I said maybe you are! - I raised my voice, she got pissed.

Tory: I'm not the one who wrecked Hawks face more than it was! - she yelled pointing at me.

Y/n: At least I can admit to MY MISTAKES! - I yelled back.

Tory: You don't believe me? - She asked. 

Tory: Choose a side Y/N! Cobra Kai or Myagi Do! - She yelled. I smirked.

Y/n: You know what? I'm tired of you and Kreese putting shit in my head. - I jumped up, twisted and kicked Tory in the face making her fall my on to the bench and hit her head. I walk away with a smirk and a flip of the hair. "That felt good" I thought. 

~Sam's Place~

I decided to go home and get my mom to drive me to Sam's and she did. We arrived at Sam's and I got out of the car. My mom drove away as I walked up to the LaRusso's front door. I knocked. After a few seconds Mr. LaRusso opened the door.

Daniel: Oh.. um Y/n? SAM, Y/N'S AT THE DOOR! - He yelled after her. I heard her feet shuffling down the stairs. She eventually got to the door with a smile. She pulled me in for hug. Her dad left us to it.

Sam: Are you okay? - She asked. I smiled and shrugged.

Sam: Let's go to my room and talk. - She said.

~In Sam's Room~

We sat on her bed and at first it was silent but then she spoke up.

Sam: You know you can talk to me about anything you know? You can trust me. - She said. I nodded and looked down at my hands twiddling with them and sighed.

Y/n: I'm lost Sam.. - I told her. 

Sam: I know. - She said pulling me in a hug. I held her tight needing comfort. I started sobbing as she rubbed my back. 

Y/n: I left Cobra Kai. - She looked at me shocked.

Sam: That's Great! I'm happy for you! - She said with a big smile, I chuckled.

Y/n: Can you by any chance take me to see Eli? - I asked, She smiled and nodded.

Sam: Of course. - I smiled.

~At The Hospital~

We walked to the front desk and asked for the number of his room, I had to lie and say I was his girlfriend for them to let us in. We eventually made our way to his room and walked in until I seen my older brother in there with him...

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