Part 24. (Beautiful)

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~2 Hours Later~

It's been 2 hours that I and Sam have been sitting in these highly uncomfortable chairs, may need butt surgery after this. We were talking when we seen Tory and Robby walk in with the other Cobra Kai's. I started to feel nervous. Robby would never majorly hurt me right? Then again he is a Cobra Kai now, i almost killed the love of my life with I transferred to the Cobra Kai dojo. 

Tory: Are you prepared? - She asked looking at the both of us.

Y/n: For what? - I asked.

Tory: We told everyone where you two were. Guess your boyfriends are on there way.

???: Yeah. And they're not alone! - I looked up and seen, Daniel LaRusso, my Dad, Eli, Demetri, Miguel, and the other Myagi Do's. I seen everyone take stance, and then they fought each other. Demetri came over to us and started untying me by the time he untied me someone kicked him, I grabbed the chair and through it against the guys head making him pass out. I went and untied Sam. Once we were both untied we started fighting with the others. I seen a guy on top of Eli, I watched as the guy pulled out a pocket knife and raised it in the air.

Y/n: NOOO! - I yelled and ran over to Eli. My dad ran ahead of me and grabbed the guy off of Eli. Eli ran over to me and hugged me. I watched as the guy cut my dad on the arm. I grabbed the chair from earlier and slowly ran up behind the guy and hit it across the back of his head making him also fall to the ground and pass out. I looked around and seen that everyone of the Cobra Kai's had left and it was just the Myagi Do's now. I looked at Eli who was out of breath. I ran over and hugged him. He kissed me. I looked over at my dad and seen him holding his arm, I walked over to him slowly. I grabbed his arm and looked at it. 

Y/n: It could have been worst. Come one. - I said. He smiled and thanked me. I called everyone gesturing for everyone to leave. I ended up taking him home in my car my mom recently got me for my birthday 2 days ago. 

~At Your Place~

So we ended up getting his cut stitched up at the hospital, we bonded for once and he actually cares about me, Robby just told him stuff I didn't say, but him being the father of us both, should know we're still young and say things. It's night time and I'm in my car driving to Eli's. I got there and his mom opened the door.

Mrs. Moskowitz: If you're looking for Eli, sweetie we've been looking for him for hours, he will not pick up his phone? - She said with a worried face.

Y/n: I think I might know where he is. - I said reassuring her. She forced a smile.

Mrs. Moskowitz: Make sure he's okay. Be careful! - She said, I nodded and smiled then I left.

~The Park~

I arrived at the park where we originally met, knowing he was here. I got to the swings and seen him sitting on a bench with his head in his hands. I walked over to him and sat beside him.

Y/n: Eli? What's wrong? - I asked. He glanced at me, I noticed his puffy, red, watery eyes. He stuck his head back in his hands. I rubbed his back.

Y/n: Eli... please tell me what's wrong? - I asked getting worried. He lifted his head and wiped his tears away.

Hawk: I...I'm afraid I'm not good enough for you..? - He said. I frowned.

Y/n: Why would you ever think that? - I asked.

Hawk: I wanna be with you... but every time I am... one of us get's hurt. - He said crying. I pulled him into my chest and hugged him.

Y/n: You know how dumb you sound right? - I asked smiling. He chuckled a bit. I faced him in front of me and stared into his eyes.

Y/n: I don't care how bad I get hurt, as long as you don't hurt me ever again. - I said.

Hawk: I don't get how you like me? - He asked.

Y/n: Eli, we can protect each other, like we did today. We have mad skills when it comes to fighting, so don't ever think your not enough for me. Because... because I love you more than anything on this earth, and I plan on having a future with you, you know? 

Hawk: I'm a freak! - He said. I kissed him.

Y/n: No! No, Eli, you're Beautiful! - He smiled and pulled me into hug him.

The day ended with our love towards each other. I can never love someone as much as I love Eli, we've been through to much to give it up now.

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