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It's been a week since Zyaire popped up at my place and I haven't seen him since which is a good thing now that I think about it, I already had enough to think about with my mom popping up out of nowhere.

Today's is the start of a new week which mean I'll be spending the majority of my time at my real estate company in the middle of Manhattan instead of the orphanage in Brooklyn

"Does she feel like she has a fever?" I ask Ryan on the phone as he explained to me that baby has been crying the whole morning

"No she feels fine" he replied

"Maybe she's hungry,give her a bottle and call me if she's still fussing ," I tell him hanging up after he replied

Sitting at my desk I continue looking over this week's sales making sure everything is running the way it should. My company is currently the biggest real estate agency in New York which is how I'm able to run the orphanage along with my other nonprofit organization that supports single parents who are trying to get back on their feet, I tried to make it that both organizations amalgamate with each other which is why the parents are given the choice to try to get on their feet to support themselves and the child or leave them at the orphanage, which quite a few of them sadly choose to abandon their responsibilities.

I try to make the kids feel comfortable and loved as much as I can which is why instead of the building being a constant reminder of the fact that they have no parents, I made it so that it resembles a home surrounded by a staff who treats them like family and not a problem. It honestly makes me delighted that I'm able to provide these kids with exactly what I was giving by Miss Simmons, a home.

"Miss Davis" my other assistant Aaliyah called dragging me out of my thoughts "you have a call"

"Put it through" I

"Hello," I said picking up the phone

"Hey Lex and before you hang up just hear me out" I heard Zyaire's voice on the other side of the phone

"Stop calling me that, and I told you, I don't want to talk" I sighed

"I know but please just meet me at the pizza spot in Brooklyn near the school, just this once and if you don't wanna see me after that I'll leave you alone," he said talking about the pizza spot we used to hang out at after school

"What time?" I asked frustratingly hoping he'll leave me alone after

"At 4 " he replied hopefully " thank you"

Hanging up without replying I throw the phone down on the table and started massaging my head feeling an oncoming headache " Aaliyah can you tell Zach to bring around my car please" I said as I packed up my belong my desk walking out of my office over to her desk " Redirect all the Important to my cell and reschedule all my meeting to tomorrow, I'm leaving so I'll see you tomorrow".

Walking out of the building I looked at my watch seeing it was 2:45 I hopped in my car thanking the valet before pulling out making my way onto the busy streets heading to Brooklyn .


Sitting in the parking lot behind the pizza shop I saw that I'm 15 minutes late, I've been out here for 20 minutes trying to build up the courage to walk in there. 'What does want to talk about', 'What would I say' we're the two questions that keep running over and over in my head. Deciding I've wasted enough time I picked up my handbag and hopped out of my car making sure to lock it.

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