Warning Mature themesCrazy. That's what I felt as I paced around my room, trying to give myself an explanation as to why I kissed him back. I mean, why the fuck did I do that. It was the weed, definitely the weed
Zyaire dropped me off 30 minutes ago, meaning it's now 4 AM and I had been pacing around my room for 30 minutes now. Running over to the bed, I picked up my phone to face-timed Angel and Maya.
"You better be dying," Angel groaned positioning the phone to give giving us a better view of her body.
"What's up," Maya asked cheerily, sitting up on her bed
"I did something bad, real bad" I whined
"What did you do? Maya asked the same time Angel decided to blurt out her thoughts
"Did you run someone over?" Maya asked
"Did you send someone to poison Mr. Arnold by any chance?" Angel asked at the same time
"No" I stressed looking at Angel
This is the third time she's asked me that. I honestly think that if she could kill him and get away with it, she would.
"What happened?" Maya asks, ignoring the look of disappointment on Angel's face
"I kissed Zyaire, well technically he kissed me, and I kissed him back" I rushed out
It was silent as they both stared at me with their mouths agape.
"That was unexpected, but I'm here for it," Angel grinned
"Was it a small kiss or a full-blown kiss" Maya asked
"Well, there was tongue and a lot of touching- "
"So what I'm hearing is, there was a lot of touching and kissing but not enough fucking and sucking, " Angel interrupts
Taking her eyes off me, Maya followed my actions, to stare straight at Angel with a questioning look on her face
"Please, go back to sleep," Maya said sweetly before disconnecting her from the call.
Knowing she would just go straight back to sleep, I didn't bother adding her back to the call.
"So why'd you do it," Maya asked, training her eyes back on me while smirking
"Because," I whined. " I was high and he looked, well like him."
"You mean he looked fine, hot, sex-"
"Ok, maybe he did look good," I admitted making her laugh
"Well, this is unexpected, but from what you've told me about your relationship with him, it's normal to have some type of reaction to him being back, whether it's hesitancy, distrust, or in your case, sexual, it's completely normal," she pointed out. " Especially since you haven't had sex in two yeat,"
"Maybe your right, but how do I stop it?. I would like to avoid shoving my tongue in his mouth the next time I do see him, "
"Try avoiding him for the next two days, it won't make the tension go away, but it might allow you time to clear your head. Whatever you do, just don't sleep with him, " she advises
"I won't, " I said, deciding to take her to advise. "Thank you, ". I blew her a kiss before hanging up
In the morning, I did my morning routine before heading to work. Being at work made it easy for me to avoid his messages that weren't business-related.

I'm all I've got
Romance"You lied and then left, but I understand why you had to do it," I shrugged "Do you hold that against him?" Miss Margaret asked "No, I -" "Yes, you do, and that's cool with me; it's the least I deserve, honestly." he interrupted "I don't" My...