Flashback (Ages 16,18)Sitting on the bed, Alex rocked herself back and forth, with a wide silly grin on her face as she stared at Zyaire who was busy eating his dinner.
He tried to ignore her, but her constant rocking puts her in and out of her peripheral vision, He brushed it off, thinking it was her way of asking him for some of his food, without having to ask, since she ate her's earlier than him.
"I wanna have sex," Alex blurted, causing him instantly start to choke on the rice he was chewing.
Rolling her eyes at his dramatics she quickly rushed over to him and started knocking excessively on his back, trying to get him to stop.
"What?" he breathed out
"I wanna have sex," she repeated more firmly this time
"With who?" he asks putting his food to the side
She tilted her head and looked at him stupidly as she wondered if the rice he choked on somehow flew up to his brain
"Aren't you supposed to be my boyfriend," she questioned
"Y-Yeah?" he said more in. questioning tone. Alex stayed still and peered at him with a menacing glace, waiting for him to get the gist of what she was saying
"Ohhhh," he gasps, making her shake her head at his silliness. "I thought we agreed to wait," he asks as she crawled in his lap and straddle him, his hands automatically went to rest on her ass
"Yeah, but I changed my mind...that's if you want to," she unintentionally grinds herself on him, making him grab her hips to stop her
"Of course, I want to, but we can't, at least not here," he looked around his room
"Duh, I didn't mean now," she smiled, bringing his head down to place a chaste kiss on his lips
***********1 week later***********
"Where are you taking me," Alex giggled as Zyaire walked behind her, one hand around her waist while the other held a tied blindfold around her eyes, making sure she couldn't peak through
"I swear, if this is another one of your lame ass pranks, I'm going to break up with you," he chuckled, hearing her threat
"It's not," he opened the motel room door and ushered her inside
Walking in front of her, he looked down at her smiling face, entirely captivated by her beauty. Her face was clear of any makeup, showing her blemished free skin, as her 4c hair rest in a puff on top of her head.
"Why are you smiling," he asked, a smile of his own forming on his face
"I don't know," her smile got wider; before letting out a small giggle
Gently kissing her forehead, he stood in front of her and brought his hand behind her head, and slowly untie the blindfold, making it fall to the ground. He watched as she opened her warm brown eyes that quickly looked around the room in curiosity and confusion.
The bed in the middle of the room was neatly spread with white sheets that's were covered by red rose petals all over. The table in the corner had a bottle of what looked like sparkling champagne in a bucket of ice, with two glasses standing in front of it
Realizing as to what was happening, Alex, covered her mouth before snapping her head over to a nervous zyaire
"I brought the sheets from home, figured the ones here are never really clean," He said, trying to stay calm and focused. " Do you like it?" he asked unsure

I'm all I've got
Romance"You lied and then left, but I understand why you had to do it," I shrugged "Do you hold that against him?" Miss Margaret asked "No, I -" "Yes, you do, and that's cool with me; it's the least I deserve, honestly." he interrupted "I don't" My...