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Tuesday morning
"Do you have money?" I asked Ava as we walked out of our apartment building "And why can't I just drop you at school"
"Yes ma, and I told you I'm good with taking the train" she repeated for what seemed like the hundredth time
"Ok" I smiled at her " Have a good day and I'll be in Brooklyn today instead of my office, text me you want to come after school and I'll have James come pick you up" I finished kissing her on her forehead before walking towards my car as she walks in the direction towards the train
Although I was supposed to be in Manhattan this week Ryan called me this morning telling me Abby woke up crying just like she was yesterday, he managed to put her back to sleep but I decided it was best to go spend the day with her while the older kids are at school
"Good morning ma'am" the security and staff greeted me as I walked through the building
"Good morning"
Making my way upstairs I made my way into Abby's room seeing her already up again."Hey baby girl, I heard you've been a bad girl" I cooed as I picked her up making her giggle
"Let's go get you something to eat" I mumbled kissing her cheeks
As I walked into the kitchen I placed her into the high chairs and started slicing fruits for her while making her some Oatmeal. After everything was finished I sat and fed her until she was finished, I called Marcie, one of our caregiver who bathed her and then put her to sleep
Once she was put to sleep I went to my office to check my emails making sure all of this month's toiletries and food necessities were on schedule for delivery. Although the most essential things to ensure their health is delivered every month, I still take all the kids out to get sacks and other stuff they might personally want.
"Ms. Dav- Alexandria that lady is here again," Ryan says
"Just send her in here" I sighed closer my computer
Sitting there for three minutes, waiting for her I wondered what made her decide to come to look for me now. " Hi, you're assistant said I sound come in here" I heard a timid voice mumbled.
Looking up I see a beautiful Brown-skinned lady dressed in a rose pink floral dress with her black straightened hair resting on her collar bones."Yeah, you can take a seat right there" I pointed to the chair in front of my desk
"Hi, my name's Alexis," she said as she sat down
"I know you must have a lot of questions but I have pictures so you know I'm not lying" she rushed out as she fumbled looking through her bags for the pictures I guess. "Here, this one is right after you were born and this one is a couple of days after that" she shoved the pictures across the desk in a frantic manner.
"I have more too if that's not enough" she continued rambling as she nervously toyed with her hands
"What did you plan to name me, if not Alexandria?" I asked, trying to figure out of she's lying.
My mom initially wanted to name me Ashlyn, but according to my dad, he didn't like it, so he suggested Alexandria, which my mom agreed with because it wasn't about the name but more about my name, starting with the same initial as hers
"Ashlyn" she responded "You have siblings, two brothers, and a sister, I told them about you and they want to meet you along with your dad" she rushed out excitedly

I'm all I've got
Romance"You lied and then left, but I understand why you had to do it," I shrugged "Do you hold that against him?" Miss Margaret asked "No, I -" "Yes, you do, and that's cool with me; it's the least I deserve, honestly." he interrupted "I don't" My...