Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Rosaline's POV:

The day that the boys and Sophia left, I decided to lock myself in a guest bedroom, rather than invading Niall's. Days went by both quickly, yet slowly. It would be two days in counting until they would be back. I hadn't eaten since the morning they left, nor had I showered. To me, depression wasn't the correct word to call it, nevertheless, I was feeling a little dejected.

My phone buzzed from under my pillow, for the billionth time. I knew it wasn't Niall so I didn't want to answer it, because they're in New Zealand, and that's like thirteen hours ahead.

It was two p.m. here, and at least three a.m. there... I highly doubt it was Niall up at this time. The vibrating of my phone was getting annoying, and right when I was about to throw it, I realized who it was.

"Mum," I said, answering the phone uninterested.

"Rosaline? ROSALINE!" She was literally screaming in anxiety, but I didn't pull away, for I had expected this. "Why haven't you been answering your phone? What's going on?"

"Nothing, Mum. I was just asleep," I lied.

"Mhm... okay, you're asleep at 2:43 in the afternoon." She said dismissing the subject. "Anyway... Do you know what today is?"

"Dad and Your's anniversary?" I shifted in my seat, taking in the bit of light that escaped through the curtains.

"No, silly goose," she laughed. If I were in front of her, she'd probably tap at my nose once with her index finger, then snatch it away. I could hear Sophia's faint giggles in the background. I missed the little munchkin.

"And... What exactly is today?" I asked, quirking an eyebrow, though she couldn't see me.

"June 28th, 2012," I was pretty absolute that I knew the year. But I had been off on the exact date. I honestly thought it was the beginning of June. Then I wondered when was the last time I had actually checked the date. Possibly the day that I went to the park with Sophia and Niall.

"So... And?"

"Which means your father's birthday is in a few days. And you need to come down to Ireland."

I didn't want to go, but then again, I'd get to see my grandma, so I agreed to it. The rest of the conversation lasted about ten minutes more. My mum asked about friends --specifically Niall, She insisted that I bring him along for the visit, and told me about her new ebony china cabinet, and about bumping into her friend from back in grade school, and etc. We were basically catching up from the few days since we had last spoken.

Then I decided to go on Twitter. Usually I would have been able to scroll past the hate from some fans of One Direction, but this time I couldn't. There was hate all over my twitter. It was inevitable.

There were so many...

@RosiieKendall you fucking stupid slut, cheating on our little irish SnowFlake ! >:(

@RosiieKendall Niall deserves a real girlfriend, like me. Not some fat girl, who cheats, like you.

There were many more calling me ugly, fat, a slut, a cheater, and quite explicit words. I couldn't take it anymore. The tears that were welling up in my eyes while reading nasty comments about myself, finally came streaming down my face.

How could someone deserve such hate? I knew Addison would be getting hate soon, but she was a strong girl. She wasn't getting hate now, because her and Harry weren't even together officially, nor public as far as I was concerned.

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