Rosaline's POV:I kept thinking about the trip to Ireland. Not only did I want to go with Niall, but I also wanted to take Addison. Her and Harry were inseparable at this point, so he would eventually have to come, and you couldn't quite take two of One Direction without taking the other three boys.
Don't get me wrong. I'd love for everybody to come, but we only had two guest bedrooms. The group affair wasn't possible without throwing everyone in a hotel. And hotels near there were not ideal nor luxurious.
Maybe, Niall could sleep in my room with me and--
No, I decided against the thought. My parents do not know that he's my boyfriend. The whole title changes the game. They'd think we were having sex.
Or... Addison could sleep in my room with me, two of the boys take one room, and three take the other?
No, that seemed way too cramp.
Then I realized that there was still Niall's childhood house just a few houses down that his mother still lived in.
I suppose we could figured out the logistics once we'd official gotten there. Maybe one of the boys will reject the offer to tag along anyway.
I text my mum for permission:
Mum. Do you think I could possibly bring 5 more guest in addition to Niall and I? /: 7 total.
I wouldn't have been surprised if she replied twenty minutes later. After all, she was nearly forty years old. And I was surprised when my phone vibrated literally ten seconds after I put it down.
Addison stirred a bit in her sleep. We were on the couch still from last night, laid in the same blanket, side by side. Her head laid on the left end of the couch and mine was on the right.
Sure, honey. Plenty of cake for everybody. xx
Something told me that she thought this was something similar to an innocent situation consisting of all innocent teenage females who probably weren't even spending the night, while I was actually bringing over five guys, and a trouble making girl to sleep over. But she knew Addison and Niall. And I'm sure she had an idea of who One Direction was.
I secretly hoped that she wouldn't react too difficult once we got there as I responded.
Great. Thank you!
She didn't reply and it was a good thing she didn't, because I had nothing else to say.
I sat there listening close to the rain outside as it fell. It sounded like a waterfall, so I knew it was pouring pretty hard.
"Addi..." I whispered nudging her in the shoulder with my foot.
"Hm?" She hummed in response with her eyes still closed. I could feel the vibration of her hum.
She must've been up really late after I fell asleep, because it was nearly two p.m. Or maybe it was just because the weather, because I do admit that I get sleepy on rainy days. It gives me an excuse to drink hot chocolate or tea.
"We're going to Ireland whether you like it or not. Okay?"
She sat up a bit, and squinted at me. "Wait, what? Where? With who?"
"Ireland. You, the boys, and I. In a few days."
She sat there unfazed as she processed what I had said through the clouds of sleep. Then I continued. "I've seen where you grew up and now I want you to see where I grew up."

Never Forget [book one]
Fanfiction{Complete/being edited} - Niall Horan & Rosaline Kendall have been bestfriends for as long as they can remember. Before Niall auditioned for the X-Factor, they promised each other that they would never forget the memories, childhood, and adventures...