Chapter Eleven

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Niall's POV:

After the sun began going down, the sky began to get a little bit grey. Now, I'm no weather man, but I've lived in England long enough to know that rain is coming when I see a setting as such.

"Let's go, it looks like it's going to rain," I said to Rosaline, as I stood up grabbing her hand.

She nodded in agreement. I have no problem with sitting out in the rain, but maybe she would. Rosaline use to love the rain, but I'm not sure that still remains the same, or if it has changed.

Half way to the hotel, I felt a few drops fall on my arm. Then a few seconds later, it began to drizzle.

Rose begun to pull me along, as she power walked to the hotel.

By the time we were at the front of the hotel, her loose bun had fallen down into wet waves. I stopped on the pavement in front of the hotel. Rose was opening the hotel door, until she realized I wasn't at her side anymore. She whipped her head around looking for me through the rain.

She finally spotted me, "C'mon!" she yelled over the loud noise of rain, looking straight at me.

I just stood there, "Wait... I just wanna ask you something," I yelled back over the rain.

"Ask me inside, Niall," she said giving me a tired look. Not tired, as in sleepy. But tired, as an bored serious look.

It couldn't be done inside because now was the perfect moment.

"Will you go on a date with me?" I asked shyly.

If she said no, I'd be a wreck.

She bit her bottom lip, "...If I said yes, would you come inside?"

"Well, uh... Y-Yes?" I hesitated.

It didn't count that she didn't directly answer the question, but I knew somewhere along the lines she'd wanted to.

"Then... Yes. Now come inside, silly," she said, biting at the, now, damp, thin sheath of her jacket as an act of nervousness. Her red cheeks were clear through the rain.

Droplets were falling in my eyelashes, making me blink rapidly to release them.

I suddenly smirked, "Wait..."

"Oh, God... Niall... What now?" She said, rolling her eyes playfully.

I laughed, "Kiss me?"

She giggled, walking towards me with that I-thought-you'd-never-ask smile.

Her warm wet lips pressed against mine. As our lips moved together, I could feel her smiling, as was I.

We've kissed about three times. Where did that leave us?

My first kiss in the rain... with the girl I love. It's actually better than watching them in movies, you know.

It lingered on for a few seconds more.

After we pulled away, she held out her hand, and I gladly took it, as she led us into the hotel, smiling brightly.


When we got inside then hotel room, my jaw dropped, and I looked over to Rosaline next to me, and I knew she was thinking what I was thinking.

Louis was sprawled across the couch with his own underwear on his head, socks on his hands, and paint on his face.

Where did paint even come from?

Sophia was laid on Louis' chest. She must love the sound of heartbeats in her slumber. Her hair was tangled as she wore Harry's blazer, which was pretty huge on her along with Louis' TOMS on, which were also huge on her feet. I assumed they were playing dress up. Zayn was sprawled across the floor, with his phone on his cheek, and his hair messed up. Harry was on top of the coffee table shirtless with a magazine across his stomach.

All four of them were fast asleep. And if I didn't know any better, I would have thought they'd gotten drunk...

Liam was no where in sight, so I took that as he might have been in his room sleeping or out with Danielle.

There were pillows, clothes, food, trash, and games chucked everywhere. It looked like there was a party, or like Sophia had babysat the boys instead.

After a few more seconds, Rosaline broke the silence.

"I'm not going to even ask what happened," she whispered to me, never blinking.

"Good, because I don't wanna know what happened," I said walking over Zayn making him groan because I'd wet him, and towards the kitchen, still holding her hand.

The kitchen had spaghetti and pizza boxes all over the counter and floor. We were soaked, so we left a big puddle on the kitchen floor.

"We weren't invited to this party, aye?" she muttered, shocked.

"Apparently," I said scratching the back of my neck with my free hand, not knowing exactly what to say.

She didn't seem upset, nor amused by the fact that three lads were babysitting her sister, when they're the ones who also needed to be babysat. She seemed like she couldn't be bothered. Like something else was overpowering her thoughts... something much more important. Then it all made sense when her stomach growled loudly, causing me to laugh lightly. Rosaline groaned considering she hadn't eaten all day... and it was my fault. Guilt built up inside me, because I kept her from eating.

"Cold pizza?" I offered.

"Sure." Rosaline was the kind of person to eat whatever the other person would eat. She didn't mind one bit.

After we ate pizza, I took her to my room. I gave her some sweats and a shirt. She'd then gone through my clothes to find herself a hoodie and some socks.

She went to the bathroom and changed out of the soaked clothes, and I changed in my room. Because I couldn't quite provide her with wet undergarments, I could see water seep through the sweats slightly and the front of the hoodie.

"Thank you," she said spinning around, and pulling a brush through her hair.

Where the heck did she get a freaking brush from? I swear, girls come prepared for everything. Maybe she'd found it in the bathroom and it belonged to Zayn.

"You're welcome," I smiled looking over at the clock.

It's was 11:07 PM.

Rosaline was still standing there awkwardly, brushing her damp hair, not knowing what to do, then liberated a yawn.

"C'mere," I said, holding my arms out to the sleepy girl as I laid in the bed.

She trudged towards my bed and snuggled her back into my naked chest, the hoodie and shirt was slightly lifted and I wrapped my arm around her bare torso. It felt complete to have her in my arms. I couldn't really think straight because the smell of her hair was so mesmerizing. It smelt of strawberries and coconuts if you asked me.

"11:11," she whispered to me, looking at the clock straight ahead, "Make a wish."

What do I wish for? I have less than sixty seconds, or I have to wait until tomorrow night again.

Well, I don't really know, I sighed.

Maybe I just want to spent the rest of my life with the girl I love. Although I'm not sure it will come true, because she's a beautiful, smart, funny, talented girl, and I could give you a million more adjectives, and that still wouldn't be enough. But that's besides the point... Basically what I'm trying to say is, she probably has boys falling weak to their knees for her. Why would she want me? To her, I'm probably just a conceited pop-star, teen heart throb that will never know how to love. Most celebrities are... But me? I'm not.

By now, I knew it was past 11:12 without looking at the clock.

"Goodnight, Rosie," I whispered, kissing her cheek.

"Good... night... Nialler," she said between breaths, slowly drifting away into sleep.

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