Rosaline's POV:I woke up to the sound of Niall's stupid phone. Groaning, I turned over to glance at the clock on the night stand beside my bed. It was 6:30 AM.
I picked up Niall's phone to see my name appear across the screen.
Why does he still have my number? We haven't talked in almost 3 years since last night.
I answered the phone, "What, Niall."
He chuckled, "Well, it's nice to talk to you too, sleepy head."
"Niall, I want to go back to sleep. Just get to the point already, and tell me what you want..."
"...Well it would be kind of obvious, since I'm calling you from your own phone and you're answering from mine." I could picture him smiling big, as much as I tried not to. "By the way, who is James?" He bursted into fits of laughter, dragging on the boy's name.
You would think that fame would've changed a person you haven't seen in a couple of years, but it doesn't exactly seem to happen to everyone. He's just the same cheeky, cute, adorable, lovable, typical Niall. I could give you a million more adjectives to describe him, but that still wouldn't be enough, and I suppose that's okay.
"Niall James Horan! You better NOT be snooping through my phone or else I promise you, when you get your phone, it will be in two!" I yell whispered to him, trying not to wake up my parents or Sophia, my two year old sister.
He continued laughing, "TOO LATE."
"Oi, I hate you..." I said trying to keep from giggling at his adorable laugh, and trying to be serious.
Wasn't it a coincidence how his middle name was the exact same name as the guy who's conversation he was snooping through?
"I love you," his laughed sobered up. Then there was just silence for a few seconds.
I hesitated, "Uh.. Niall, I'm tired... I'll call you later. Okay?"
I love you too, Niall.
"Okay," is all he says.
I ended the call, and looked at the time... It was 6:47, now.
"Ah," I mused. "I might as well go shower since I can no longer sleep.
I looked through my closet finding a baby blue sundress that comes down to my knees, and a white cardigan, along with white flats. I retrieved my toiletries and head towards the bathroom.
When I finished showering, and getting dressed, I headed downstairs to the kitchen. It was then nine.
What could I say? I'm a girl, I take long to get ready. But today, I kind of had to admit that I looked like I was going to church on Easter Sunday.
"Mornin' Rosie!" Sophia greeted me with her baby lisp as I walked into the kitchen.
I smiled at my adorable little sister dressed in an outfit similar to mine, and her long reddish brown hair in a braid going down her back with a yellow bow at the end, "Morning Soph."
I wasn't really hungry from all the butterflies he gave me, I grabbed me a glass from the drainer, and the orange juice from the refrigerator, while my mother made my father and Sophia some breakfast.
"What's got you so happy today, huh Rapunzel?"
"Mum, nothing... Can't I smile every once in a while?" I retaliate
She just winked at me.
I rolled my eyes playfully, as I chugged down the remains of my beverage. "I'm gonna go out. I'll be back in a bit. Okay?" I try hiding my happiness.
I walked up stairs to retrieve my phone. Oh, I mean Niall's phone. I slid it into my cardigan pocket, then headed out the door.
Now, I didn't exactly know where I was going, but I was just going to keep walking until I find a destination, or until I got tired.
I really didn't know what to do today, either.
After walking for less than ten minutes, I decided that I was tired, so I sat at the bridge across the street.
Initially I sat on the bench, watching pedestrians pass, but then I got tired of just sitting and went to stand at the bridge watching the shallow waves in the water for some time... The was the same color as Niall's beautiful blue eyes. I missed Niall, heck I wanted to see him.
Unexpectedly, I felt a strong pair of arms around me.
He kissed my cheek saying. "Guess who?" In his strong Irish accent. Of course, I blushed.
"Nialler," I blurted out, but instantly regretted it; It would have made me sound obsessed, or stalker like.
I turned around and he loosened his grip. I smiled and hugged him. "How'd you find me?"
"I located my phone," he grinned. Oh, how convenient.
"You've gotten taller," I slightly think aloud. "Now give me my phone back, nosy."
He laughed as we exchanged phones, "And you're still short..." Then we kind of both laughed.
"Hey Rose, I want to show you something..." Niall said grabbing my hand, leading me somewhere.

Never Forget [book one]
Fanfiction{Complete/being edited} - Niall Horan & Rosaline Kendall have been bestfriends for as long as they can remember. Before Niall auditioned for the X-Factor, they promised each other that they would never forget the memories, childhood, and adventures...