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Chapter Thirty-Seven~
Rosaline's POV:
July, 6th.
"Happy Birthday, Daddy." I hugged him, as everyone'd finished singing to him.
We were all surrounded by him and a cake, the lights were dimmed, but the candles in the cake lit the room up.
He blew all of them out in one breath.
"Thank you sweetheart." He hugged me back smiling. "...And thank you everyone."
Everyone cheered, as I still clung onto my father.
He then went to the kitchen to retrieve the plates and forks for the cake, and I followed.
He rustled through cupboards, then turned to me smiling. "Aren't you gonna introduce me to your boyfriend?"
oh dear.
Was it that obvious? Me and Niall had kept a distance all night, and he knew. Maybe Mum had told him.
He found a stack of throw away plates, now looking for forks.
He was calmer than I'd thought.
"Oh, Rose... Your mum wants you." Niall barged in, then he looked at my dad, "and Happy Birthday Sir."
After a few years of not seeing him, Niall thought he no longer had permission to call my dad by his real name like he usually always did. Ha. Cute...
Dad laughed, "Oh, Niall... Don't act brand new."
That made Niall laugh too, and me smile. "...Barren."
Niall then shifted his attention back to me, jabbing his thumb at the door, and my dad gave me an urging look...
I sighed shyly, then clasped my hands together.
"Niall... Meet my dad, Barren."
He was confused as I gestured to my dad, a guy he's known almost all his life as well as me.
"...Hi Barren?" Niall said awkwardly, adding a small wave.
"Dad, meet Niall... My... Erm... B-boyfriend."
Then Niall's face softened in realization.
My dad did something way uncalled for...
"Niall, buddyyyy!" He gave him one of those manly bear hugs. "...I knew the day would come."
This made me giggle, as Niall groaned/laughed, hugging him back.
They immediately pulled away when my mum came in looking for me.
"Rosaline Marie Kendall." She placed her hands on her hips frowning. "Did you not hear me calling you?"
I scratched the back of my neck nervously, looking at Dad and Niall for help. "Oh, sorry Mum."
"Oh, Hello Rosenda." Dad acted as if he hasn't seen mum all day, grabbing her by the hips, and kissing her. She pulled away laughing. Even through her hearty laugh, there lied some stress that only I seemed to notice.
She led him out of the kitchen.
Then I grabbed the plates, and Niall grabbed the forks, and we left the kitchen in a similar form.
Majority of the people there were just my parent's friends. Not really a party, just a get together.
My parents were properly introduced to Liam, Louis, Zayn, and Harry. Eventually the guest as well as dad got a little tipsy, so us young people filed out bits by bits.
I don't know where everyone else went, but Niall and I ended up at his house, in his room.
"You do realize that we have to go back home, right?" Eventually... "We've went overboard on our free time."
I figured just as much, I just didn't think it'd be said to me today. We'd been here at least 8days, but it only felt like 4.
"I understand..."
For once in a lifetime Niall was straightening things up in his messy room. He faced me, with knitted eyebrows, "You do?"
Did he want me to be one of those clingy girlfriends? That's the kind of stuff that drives guys away.
"And you know you're staying here, right? Because I'll come back for you."
I smiled although I didn't want to be without him. "Sure." Especially not with James around.
I wonder where he slept though. In bushes? A hotel? A friend's?
Niall sat down, and pulled me closer.
"You do realize that I mean it?"
"Yeah. I know, I know."
"I'll be back before your birthday."
My birthday was in 11days, 3days before James' parent's anniversary. I wasn't worried about my birthday at all. Nothing would change, only my age. And when we said 'visit' Ireland, I'm not sure I meant this long... If I stayed too long, eventually I won't want to leave.
"Okay," I said, looking at every other thing except for him.
He positioned my face to look at him, "Rose-"
"I know, I understand. It's your job."
Though my face was facing Niall's, I looked to side.
He laughed, which made me look at him.
Niall let go of my jaw.
"What's funny?"
"Nothing. You're just..."
"What?" I felt defensive, and eager.
He chuckled at my reaction, "You're pretty."
Then I wanted to punch him, because whenever someone called me a name like that, I always felt insecure, even if it was good.
I huffed, maneuvering out of his arms.
He stopped me, "I'm sorry."
"For what?"
"Because that was out of line..." He frowned. "You're beautiful..."
He chuckled again, brushing my hair out of my face. If I didn't know any better, I'd swear this boy was high.
"Niall, you're weird..."
"But you love it."
That was so very true.
"I love you."
"I love you to Pluto and back."
I laughed, and Niall smiled.
His hand cupped my face, as his lips were now on mine. I could feel Niall smiling into the kiss. And like no other kiss, this kiss lingered on for a very long time. Niall bit my softly asking for the entrance of his tongue, and undoubtedly I let him in. I pushed his shoulder down softly, so he that he was laying on his back.
You little dirty Motheer'Fluckers ((;
Lol. Chiz gonna go down soon ));
I'd hate to spoil it. Lol.
it takes like 3days to write a chapter, even if it's short. dunno why? O__o
I know how this book is gonna end ;D.... & no I cannot tell you how many chapters is left.
lol . x

Never Forget [book one]
Fanfiction{Complete/being edited} - Niall Horan & Rosaline Kendall have been bestfriends for as long as they can remember. Before Niall auditioned for the X-Factor, they promised each other that they would never forget the memories, childhood, and adventures...