Chapter Fifty-Five~
Rosaline's POV:
(End of November)
It's been months...
By now I'm use to my hearing aids. And sometimes they come in good use with the On and Off button.
My dad texts me everynow to check up on me and see how I'm doing, most of the time I ignore them intentionally, but then he'd usually shoot another text within minutes.
My mum and I don't talk, and I don't even make the effort because I couldn't care any less actually. I doubt she even has a phone anymore since my dad was the one paying her phone bill.
Sophia doesn't ask about them either, because she simply doesn't care, as long as she's with Addison and I.
My hair has gotten longer since, but I cut it right back to just below my bum. Yes, I did throw a tantrum, but Addison said I looked like Tarzan.
Now almost always, it stays into a bun because it often tends to get in the way, even when in a pony tail. It gets easily knotted too. Might as well turn into dreads..
Sophia's gotten taller, and has a more advanced word bank.
Addison now has straight hair cropped just passed her shoulder blades, with blunt bangs. She has 2 new tattoos. One on her hip, and one on her ankle. Besides that, she still is utterly stunning.
I had gotten tired of seeing these stupid 'Niall Horan Fan Fictions,' so I stopped using wattpad, and started sending Addi to retrieve books at the book store on her way to school.
My room has become a library over the months of different books I have accumulated, but nevertheless, it's indelibly immaculate.
I took university classes all online, because I have a child to take care of and in a span of just a few months, I majored in psych.
Addi, as I had mentioned, on the other hand took real college courses with real professors, and she's yet to finish with college, she has 3 more years, but she's majoring in E.C... Home Economics, and I didn't even know they still did those classes. I thought they stopped that in the 70's...
It's when you learn how to cook, clean, be a mother, sew, manage money, and things like that.
I had grew suspicious as to why she had wanted to take the classes so bad, (That Harry pays for) but it actually came in good use.
It was about time she learned how to cook. All she was good for was macaroni, noodles, cereal, sandwiches, bacon, and eggs.
She started making dinner for Sophia, herself, and I, and so far, they've been delightful. Otherwise, we'd go out for food.
It was just about 2 weeks ago when Addi had disappeared for a week, so Sophia and I had no choice but to eat fast food. Supposedly, it was a class trip, but then again, what universities give class trips? I've never heard of it in my 80 years.
Oh well... At least she's back.
So, I stopped checking up on Niall's Twitter, because I suppose it was his time to become a free bird. I do infer that I have stopped using Twitter overall. The last thing I tweeted was;
'Don't forget me... Again.'
I can't be sure if he saw it or not, or even replied to it. I'm not sure he even follows me anymore. I don't even know if I have a lot of followers anymore. But any who, all I do is smile giddily when I hear his name, or see him on TV. Just admiring how he was actually here, and how he'd actually made it to accomplish his dream. Then again, those could be fake smiles; deceiving too.

Never Forget [book one]
Fanfiction{Complete/being edited} - Niall Horan & Rosaline Kendall have been bestfriends for as long as they can remember. Before Niall auditioned for the X-Factor, they promised each other that they would never forget the memories, childhood, and adventures...