Rosaline's POV:I woke up, and turned over to see Sophia laying on Niall's chest with a bottle in her hand and fingers in her mouth. They were just so adorable that it was absolutely necessary to take a picture.
Sophia's body slowly rose up and down as Niall breathed. Niall's scruffy blonde hair was cutely disheveled. Sophia's reddish brown curls were everywhere, sprawled all over Niall while his mouth was slightly ajar.
I could stare at how cute they were when sleeping together, but that would be just weird... and besides, I now have a picture.
My stomach growled, making me turn over in unexpected pain. I checked the time. It was merely breaching noon. Seemed like we slept in, but had an incredible day yesterday.
I got up and headed to my closet to slip on some sweats, and put my hair in a tighter bun, trying not to wake Niall or Sophia. I opened my room door slowly, trying to keep it from squeaking, but failing. I walked down the stairs to the kitchen and made pancakes.
By the time I was done making food, Niall traipsed into the kitchen with Sophia in his arms. By the looks on their face, they both had just woken up. Sophia was rubbing her face with of her hand. "Mooning, doody," she mumbled pulling the fingers of her opposite hand out of her mouth.
"Morning, Sophia," I smiled putting pancakes on three plates, as Niall sat Sophia in her seat, and sat next to her.
"Hello, Rose," Niall said.
I turned around to place Soph's plate infront of her.
"Morning, Nialler," I smile putting a plate in front of him, and sat next to him.
Sophie was eating using her hands, making a mess, with syrup on her face, hands, and hair within seconds.
"Sophia..." I complained at the mess she was making.
"What?" she said throwing her hands in the air, making syrup and tiny pieces of pancake fly into Niall's hair.
"Sophia!" Niall and I yelled in unison.
"Oopsy. I sorry Nile, I sorry."
Niall's POV:
It broke my heart. I couldn't be mad at this adorable little girl. I could see the tears gathering slowly in her little green eyes, making my face soften.
I stood up, picking Sophia up from her seat, and she began to cry into my chest.
"Shh... Soph, it's okay. Now we both have pancake hair," I smiled, trying to her cheer up.
She looked almost exactly like how Rosaline did at this age; Except Sophia had long curly locks that went past her waist, while Rose had curly locks that were about mid back length.
She looked up from my chest, and cupped my face with her tiny sticky hands, making me a fish face. I now had syrup all over my face, my hair, and my clothes.
"I really sorry, Nile," she said, as her tears slowly ceased.
"I know you are, now finish your breakfast, okay?" I said placing her back in her seat.
I finished my two servings of panacakes, and since Rose ate slow, she finished her one serving at the same time as me. Sophia sat there waiting for me and Rose to finish, since she only had a small portion of food, so she enterained herself by singing and playing with the leftover syrup. She sang wonderful for a two year old.
"Thank you for breakfast," I said, having this urge to kiss Rosaline, but I settled with her forehead and got up gathering the dishes. "I'll wash the dishes, and you and Soph can get cleaned up," I smiled, and she nodded.
I'd just have to wipe myself down over the sink as a substitute for a shower.
Rosaline's POV:
I took Sophia out of her seat and headed up stairs. She sat on the floor next to my bed, and I trudged over to the closet...
She crawled over to me, "You like Nile," she sang loudly.
"Shh..." I laughed. She knew too much for her age. "You talk alot."
I grabbed me some blue denim shorts, and a black beatles shirt, since I figured it might as well be a lazy day. Then I went to go get my little sister a plain outfit.
I gave my her a bath and she sang to me while I washed her hair. She giggled and I hummed along even though I didn't know what she was singing.
After she was dressed, I put her wet curls into a ponytail.
"Okay, pretty baby," I smiled at Sophia, making her giggle. "You wanna wait for me? Or go down stairs with Niall?"
"I wait," she said excitedly in her baby Irish/British accent.
"Okay, stay here," I said sitting her on my bed and handing her my iPhone to play the game Temple Run.
I finished taking a shower, and I found my knackered baby sister on my bed, with my phone in her hand drifting in and out of sleep. I slipped some socks on my feet, and put some onto hers too. We probably took an hour getting ready.
I picked her up, and went down stairs.
On the couch, I found a shirtless Niall, drifting in and out of sleep as he watched tv. I placed Sophia on the other side of the couch from Niall, and she crawled over to him, and settled herself onto the now sleeping boy with her thumb in her mouth.
Apparently, today really was a lazy day.
As they both slept, it began to make me sleepy. Sleeping the day away wasn't one of my options, so I went to go get a glass of water.
Sitting on the floor in the kitchen, sipping my water. Trying not to fall asleep, I pulled my legs up to my chest, and begun thinking about Niall.
Since he kissed me, does that mean he likes me too? I'd like to ask him, but I know I'd chicken out, and if I didn't, I'd feel sick if he didn't feel the same way... If he thought of us as nothing more than friends. But wasn't it meant to be? Just like that quote: If you love someone, let them go. If they come back, it's meant to be? But the thing I don't understand about that quote is, when they say, If they come back, it's meant to be. Niall came back, but it wasn't on purpose... I know Niall's intentions weren't to see me here in London and I knew for sure it wasn't my intentions. But maybe, just maybe, it was me, who came back to him.
I'll never know.
I turned off the TV in the living room. Niall and Sophia seemed cold in their sleep, so I brought a blanket, then spread it across them. As I was about to walk away, I felt a hand grab my wrist and pulling me backwards. His eyes didn't open.
"Lay," was all he said. I didn't hesitate, I laid next to him on the couch, and he wrapped the blanket around me. I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

Never Forget [book one]
Fanfic{Complete/being edited} - Niall Horan & Rosaline Kendall have been bestfriends for as long as they can remember. Before Niall auditioned for the X-Factor, they promised each other that they would never forget the memories, childhood, and adventures...