there's a shit load of twist and surprises.
Dont say you didn't see it coming, because i specifically gave hints...
I Just Want This Book To End , it's been 10months, & I'm still not done! Lol :p
Hopefully I'll be done soon. I know you guys are getting bored. x
My graduation is today. I don't know when I'll update again...
Chapter Fifty-Eight~
Rosaline's POV:
It's a good thing I sleep with my hearing aids on... Isn't it?
You can hear the commotion that goes on around.
If I hadn't had them in, I probably would have slept the day away.
"I-it's not what you think. She needed me... She needs me. I can't say what for, but she does..."
"Do what you have to do. I don't give two fucks, eights fucks, or nine. That's you." The voice was pissed... And Irish.
"Niall. Wait, It isn't even like that..."
I opened my eyes when I heard the name.
I also accidentally sneezed, causing both heads to shoot my way.
Yeah, if you didn't know, I'm allergic to mornings...
"Whatever..." Then Niall walked away. I'd only gotten a glance of his face, and even then, I didn't see it properly... My eyes were just adjusting to the bright light.
Ed slammed the door hard... I think I heard a piece of the wall crumble.
"W-what happened?" I sat up.
"Niall thinks you and I are together." He pounded the side of his fist against the marble island.
See what you've caused Rosaline? Leave the damn guy alone.
"What's the problem though?"
"It's Niall... He still loves you."
As much as I wanted to hear that, it wasn't true.
Ed heaved a long sigh, fisting his red hair. Then he laughed this phony euphoric laugh.
"It's funny that he took me for the dishonest type. I honestly don't even see you as more than a friend, because technically we aren't even friends, if I don't really know you."
Yet, you let a stranger in your suite... I could've got up in the middle of the night, stole everything expensive, and left. But I didn't. Didn't that deserve the title as a friend?
I failed to see his humor.
"Y-you don't have to help me." I retorted.
"Niall is just so..." He shook his head, searching for an adjective. "Stubborn!"
Like me... And that's what made us alike.
The Australian police were acting like little fuckers...
At first they were so 'busy' with that 1D bullshit. But then they were all like 'Okay, we'll take you in for questioning.'
I went in for questioning, and showed them all the proof I had; my texts, but they claimed that it sounded like we were in a relationship.
They said that I was to leave my phone with them for a couple of days to let them print out my texts, and tell them guy's description.
I'm a teenage girl... Who in their right minds would leave their phone somewhere for a FEW DAYS?! That's my baby we're talking about!

Never Forget [book one]
Fanfiction{Complete/being edited} - Niall Horan & Rosaline Kendall have been bestfriends for as long as they can remember. Before Niall auditioned for the X-Factor, they promised each other that they would never forget the memories, childhood, and adventures...