Chapter Fifty-Six

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these last few chapters have been and are hopeless, terrible, and rubbish... :P

considering, I'm very lazy & tired of this story -.- sorry .x

Im eager for this shiz to end, hence why the chapters are short c:

But be grateful that I update EVERYDAY. k?

enjoy, eh .x


Chapter Fifty-Six~

Rosaline's POV:

"Excuse me ma'am you have to remove those."

At first I thought it was just for the metal detector, but noooooo, I had to go deaf for the whole 26hour flight or else I would have killed about a couple hundred people also going to Australia, along with myself!

I had my head stuck in a book, since I couldn't watch the small TV's in front of us. Addi and Soph did, but that's because they could hear it.

My hearing has become worse and I don't think it's "tinnitus" anymore... I think it's the fact that I'm going deaf, permanently.

Now, without the hearing aids, all I could hear was muffled voices, as if there was a thick wall between us, made out of steel.

When the flight attendant came up the aisle asking if anybody wanted food or drinks in the cart, I was completely oblivious to the fact until Addi tapped me.

Then when people were beginning to go to sleep, Addi and Soph were already knocked out, so another lady came up the aisle with pillows, and I didn't have Addi to tell me that the lady wanted my attention, I'd only realized when I caught the lady waving vigorously from my peripheral. She must have had been there a while, because she had an angry look, her lips moving fast as she spoke.

If she was annoyed, she could've just skipped me.

I tapped my ear with my pointer, mouthing that I couldn't hear her, then she handed me a pillow, and apologized for the inconvenience, at least from what I saw she mouthed. For all I know, she could have said it aloud, it was only mouthed in my eyes.

My mouth was kept shut the whole flight, because I was afraid I'd be shouting when trying to talk, considering I could barely hear myself.

On the bright side, at least I didn't have to hear the annoying twin's mouths that were infront of us; they looked like they were 4-5...

I read a whole book throughout most of the flight. The rest of the flight, since I had the window seat, I stared out the window, watching the world under us. So tiny.

The sky was beautiful, and sunny.

One thing I hate, is to sleep sitting up, so I only had two 1hour naps, and that was all the sleep I got.

When it was announced that we all needed to be seated, and buckled in because we were landing, I swear I almost cried. (Not that I heard it though.)

Fresh air. Hearing. Land. At last.

The airplane had a turbulence, but apparently it was normal. My heart dropped to my feet as the plane shook, cutting through clouds like butter. Addi was sitting there stiff, looking sick and pale. It was a possibility that I looked constipated. And Sophia, who was in the middle of us, was giggling hysterically like it was a ride, clapping her hands together.

If I were her age experiencing this, I would have been crying.

And when we were finally on land, Addison dropped to the ground. Initially, I thought she had possibly passed out but then I noticed her body shaking in laughter.

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