Niall's POV:I ran my left hand through my damp hair, carrying my navy blue polo shirt in my right. Rosaline was extended across my bed as usual, but this time she wasn't sleeping peacefully.
Her hair was stuck to her face as tears escaped her eyes that were ajar. She tossed, and turned breathing heavily.
It was blatant she was reliving that moment from last night. I wanted to jump inside her head, to see who hurt her. But that wasn't going to happen.
"Shhh... Rose," I pulled her into my lap, rocking her back and forth. She continued sobbing in her sleep, while I wiped each tear that came out. "You're okay. Shhh..."
My soothing was no help. The only way to stop the crying would be to wake her up, but she was stressed and tired, she needed the sleep.
"Knock, knock," Liam said sticking his head in the door.
He smiled warmly, then sadly when his eyes locked on Rosaline.
"What happened?" He said sitting in chair by the window.
I looked down at Rosaline, and her breathing slowed, and her tears were less frequent.
"She ran into a tree," I lied, trying to keep last night a secret, but also trying to be lighthearted about it all.
I looked up at Liam's face, to see his irritated expression.
"Okay, Niall, sure. She ran into a tree, that's why she has bruises and cuts. But is that also the reason why the girl is traumatized?" He sighed. "I'll just believe you, just like I believe that you didn't eat my cereal."
I rolled my eyes.
In all honesty, Louis ate Liam's cereal because I saw the box in his room... And running into a tree could traumatize anyone, of course if you'd done it with a car.
I was too sad, yet too angry to say much, Liam could see that in my eyes, and used that as his cue.
He got up, sending a fake smile my way.
"Okay, mate. Be downstairs in five, with a shirt on." He turned for the door, then back to me. "Oh, and I'm sorry."
I didn't understand why he was sorry, I'm the one who fell asleep, leaving Rosaline bored and wanting to go for a walk or go where ever she was going. But he could have been talking about something else. I was going to ask, but when I looked up again, he wasn't there. I looked back down.
I'm probably the worst boyfriend there is. If I were Rosaline, with a boyfriend like me, I'd be out the door in an instance.
I put her down, slipping my shirt on, then grabbed a piece of paper, and a pen from my dresser.
I used the wall as a base to write the note. It came out messy because of the bumps in the wall, not that it would be any better with a smooth surface.
I placed the folded paper on the pillow next to her head when I was done, and tucked her back in.
"Sleep tight," I whispered, buttoning the collar of my shirt before starting out my bedroom door.
Rosaline's POV:
"Nialler?" I rolled over, feeling the bed for a sign of the blonde.
I struggled to open my eye lids as if they weighed a ton. It was pitch black, apart from the orange glow that spilt in through the window. According to Niall, his room was the only room in the house with just one window. Even the bathrooms had more than one window.

Never Forget [book one]
Fanfiction{Complete/being edited} - Niall Horan & Rosaline Kendall have been bestfriends for as long as they can remember. Before Niall auditioned for the X-Factor, they promised each other that they would never forget the memories, childhood, and adventures...