Chapter Forty-Nine~
Niall's POV:
Addison and Sophia came over... But no Rosie.
Maybe she did come over, I just wouldn't have known. I was chambered in my room doing nothing. I knew Addi was here because she checked on me again like she'd done last night. Did she think I was a baby?
& I knew Sophia was here, because her and Louis were as loud as ever... And I think Zayn had joined them in their antics.
It wasn't until Liam had walked into my room, when I begun whining. "I'm tired."
"You had all this time to sleep Niall. We'll stop for coffee or something, but you haveee to come. No ands, ifs, or buts."
He was referring to rehearsals for tour. Thinking about it made me upset. I didn't want to stinkin' sing, and I didn't want no damn coffee. I wanted to SLEEP.
But he was sort of right... As usual. Liam is always right. I should have slept while I sat in here fighting my eyelids and doing nothing else but thinking about the girl that I think I was close to losing.
Dramatically, I threw myself back into my bed.
"Too badddd Niall. Now get up."
So basically after that, I was subliminally dragged into the shower, dragged out, forced to eat, forced to leave, and forced to sing.
Addison decided to tag along, so we didn't get much done, what with her and Harry smooching -which made me sick and jealous-, with Soph and Lou running around, and Zayn battling his easily distracted short attention span phase. Liam wasn't as serious as I'd thought he'd be, and I envied him for that. I guess, I was the serious person, except the fact that I wasn't trying to make them listen... I just sat back, and enjoyed the show with a bored look.
Louis glided along the wooden floor in his socks, they dragged each other, play fought, anything and everything but rehearsed.
I mentally laughed, but I couldn't force myself to laugh aloud. They were the most dramatic people I've ever known.
At one point, a head ache came on to my head when I stood up to lean against the huge mirror -that covered this whole wall so we could see ourselves when singing and "dancing." I smiled slightly, acting like I wasn't in pain, and I'd actually enjoyed their little play time.
Liam snuck a glanced at me in the midst of laughter as he was spinning Zayn on his back in circles... Our drummer Josh had even joined them in their normal antics.
I slid back down onto the wooden floor with arms folded, not sparing them a last glance.
The only thing I wanted, was for Rosaline to call me... But I was the guy in the relationship, I should call her first.
I don't understand why the guys always had to make the first move. Even a text would be great though. Sometimes guys want to be cared about too, not all the time... But eventually.
Short chapter, cz I've got a rare case of
At least I updated 2 days in a row. Lol

Never Forget [book one]
Fanfiction{Complete/being edited} - Niall Horan & Rosaline Kendall have been bestfriends for as long as they can remember. Before Niall auditioned for the X-Factor, they promised each other that they would never forget the memories, childhood, and adventures...