Rosaline's POV:The boys had rehearsals for the upcoming tour, and I would have gone, but Addison forced me to stay with her so she could tell me all about her date with Harry. Her version of kiss and tell.
"So you mean to tell me, Harry was the one scared of getting on the roller coasters, and you weren't?" I asked, looking at her shocked and a bit amused.
"Exactly what I was thinking!" She giggled, with a hand over her mouth. "But it was really cute to me and eventually he ended up getting on."
Aw. Her and Harry were just adorable together. But only when they didn't get on my nerves.
It's funny, though... If you were scared of roller coasters, then why take a girl out on a date where you know you'll be surrounded by them?
That's like taking someone on a date to a crab and fish restaurant when you're allergic to crab and fish. Tell me if that'd be a smart thing to do...
"Did he ask you to be his girlfriend?"
"Yeah..." She smiled, looking down at her crossed feet, then moved a lock of her hair behind her ear. "Not technically, but I think we are more than friends."
It was just like a movie. I don't think I'd ever seen her so bubbly and happy, constantly giggling.
I wiggled my eyebrows accusingly with a grin, earning myself a slap on the arm... "Oh, hush up."
She was smiling so hard, I thought her lips would tear.
"But I'm not really understanding..." I started to question the depths of her semi-relationship.
"Well... We kiss, we hold hands, and he tells me he likes me. So that should count as something, right?"
"Yeah! I suppose it does," I smiled, nudging her with my elbow. Her and Harry were going to grow old together, if not married with kids, then as best friends. They were meant to be in each other's life.
She winced, still smiling. "Hasn't anyone ever told you that you've got pointy elbows?"
Niall has.
"No," I denied, shaking my head. It wasn't the time to bring up the love of my life when she'd already felt envious towards us.
"Well, you've got some pointy arse elbows!"
"It's an off day when I don't have you making fun of me."
Addi rolled her eyes teasingly in response. "You must be having one of the best days of your life then!"
I laughed for a while, genuinely feeling happy, then sighed.
There was no need in continuing the same subject, so we sat there quietly. I was waiting for Addison to start off a new conversation.
I looked around my new room. The walls as plain as can be... There was a window, but it only had the view of the back of the house.. The garden, pool, patio, and a big green field that looked almost like a farm.. But nothing spectacular.
My room would probably be abandoned majority of the time unless I needed clothes, or unless I wanted to be alone and sleep in my own bed other than Niall's... The last part probably wouldn't happen often or ever for that matter.
It was then that I'd realized that I'd never seen the backyard properly.
"Wanna go out back?" I asked and Addison agreed.
She trailed close behind me as I'd led the way.
"I had a late night swim with Harry yesterday. It's very pretty back there."

Never Forget [book one]
Fanfiction{Complete/being edited} - Niall Horan & Rosaline Kendall have been bestfriends for as long as they can remember. Before Niall auditioned for the X-Factor, they promised each other that they would never forget the memories, childhood, and adventures...