Chapter Five

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Rosaline's POV:

"Why Rose?" Now he looked hurt.

"I don't know," was all I could answer. I was fibbing only to save myself from looking so vulnerable. This was my chance to kind of show him that I've changed. I'm not the same little girl he once knew.

But I failed to keep myself together. I didn't notice that I was crying until Niall kissed my tear away, and pulled me into his chest for a hug.

Why was I crying?

Maybe they were tears of joy, that Niall was actually here with me.


I could hear fans screaming outside the arena for the boys, from their dressing room. It was truly amazing. I was really excited to be here tonight. Niall asked me to come to the concert. How could I have said no?

It's the first time I'll actually see my bestfriend living his dream out. Of course, I chose to watch it from backstage, because I don't plan on going deaf anytime soon or at all for that matter.

I sat on the couch in the dressing room, studying all 5 boys carefully trying to see their before-concert rituals.

Louis was poking Harry with a carrot, while Harry was on the phone--I still don't understand his obsession with carrots.

Liam sat on the other side of the couch from me, on his laptop, I think tweeting.

Zayn sat infront of the huge mirror next to the dressing room exit.

Niall... well... that's kind of obvious isn't it? Stuffing his face. Typical.

A tall, beautiful, natural blonde woman, with a lot of makeup walked in and spoke, clapping her hands, "Get dressed guys," and with that, she exited.

Smirking, Niall took off his navy blue polo shirt, chucking it at my face from across the room.

Knowing why he threw it to me, I giggled as I buried my face in his shirt. I inhaled the scent of his shirt. It smelt like coconut if you ask me, but I could be wrong. I'm not even sure if there is a coconut cologne or soap. Whatever the scent was, it was pretty intriguing. I was suppose to be covering my sight from seeing the boys change, but here I was covering my lungs with the scent of Niall.

"We're done changing," Louis said, pulling me from my train of thought.

I looked up from the shirt to see a fully dressed Louis laughing hysterically, and four other boys in their under wears with tomato flushed cheeks.

Zayn, Liam, Harry, and Niall ran behind the nearest furniture to cover themselves, all the while Louis fell on the floor dying of laughter.

I screamed in horror hiding my face again. I'd never seen Niall in briefs, and now there wasn't much to imagine of what was left to see of him.

"Louis!" I heard the four boys yell, simultaneously.


"Five minutes boys," the guy who I assumed to be Paul said, because of his name tag.

"GoodLuck," I whispered to Niall, touching him.

"Thank you, love," he smiled, hugging me.

"WHAT ABOUT US?" Louis yelled pouting, making us all laugh.

"No, I'm serious."

Louis was such a goof ball. But I liked him already, as long as he would be quiet every once in a while.

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