I turned the door knob slowly with suspense as if it were a murder scene, waiting patiently for the clicking sound. When the knob clicked, the door creaked as I slowly pulled it open."Put this on," Addison pushed her way through the half open door, shoving a plastic garment bag in my face.
I knew it was her, I was just trying to aggravate her by moving slow. But obviously, she was too hyped to be mad. There was a gumbo grin plastered on her face.
Addi walked past me, followed by little foot steps. Sophia looked up at me giggling.
"What's the occasion?" I asked, chucking the bag onto the edge of the couch in the front living room. Sophia shrugged, still smiling.
"The date with Niall, silly," Addison smiled while I had speculated her face with suspicion.
"You're going too?" I asked, playing stupid. "That's a cute dress for you to wear."
She rolled her eyes, "You're putting this on, stupid."
I stared at the dress, dumbfounded. It looked like a sundress, but strapless... I later learned that it was called a cocktail dress. It had a solid color; navy blue. Just by looking at the dress I could see that the length would possibly be mid-thigh length. There was a red belt wrapped around the upper part of the abdomen that stood out.
I looked up at Addison who was now sat on the couch, observing her perfect manicured nails with an awestruck expression. "There's no way in hell I'm wearing this!"
Addison just continued staring at her nails like they were cute little puppies. I cleared my throat, trying to get her attention, but I had to stomp on her food for her to acknowledge me again.
"Oh, did you say something?" Her eyes were still glued on her bright nails with nonchalance. They weren't even as nice as she made them out to be. Even from where I was standing I could see her shabby cuticles and her overgrown nails, revealing how old her manicure actually was.
I rolled my eyes. She could get distracted by the littlest things like a blonde, so quickly—especially sparkly objects, but her stupidity and attention span was acceptable because she was pretty. Her looks got her everywhere along with everything.
"I was going to wear jeans," I simply admitted, crouching down for the toddler who reached up to me.
She dragged her eyes away from her nails so fast, it made me recoil which startled Sophia. I could of sworn Addison didn't even blink. I had to rethink of what I'd just said that could have been wrong enough to cause her to look at me horrifically, with a half-translucent face.
Oh... jeans.
What were so bad about a pair of jeans?
"You have to be kidding me..."
I wasn't a tomboy because I did sometimes wear dresses... but I was 99.9% sure that it was going to be a cold night.
"Nope," I said sitting on the arm of the couch. "Should I be?"
Sophia grabbed my hair that was slung over my shoulder, and begun tying knots that were made out of my curls.
"That was funny, Rose," Addison smiled getting up. "Nice joke."
It wasn't supposed to be funny, I was deadpanned serious. But I knew she wasn't going to let it happen.
I tightened my grip on Sophia as she grabbed my loose hand, leading me upstairs, with the dress in her other hand.
The past hour was a big blur... I don't remember everything that happened as I was being treated like a Barbie.
"Can I lay down? The boys won't be here for another fifteen to thirty minutes and I'm tired," I whined. Addison managed to get me to put on the dress. I was just that gullible.
"No, you'll mess up your hair," Addison said touching up her makeup in the mirror that hung over Niall's dresser. I wondered idly why she was doing her make up if she didn't plan on going out, only to have to take it off in a few short hours, but then again, I questioned why I'd had make up on, myself, besides the fact that Addison had forced it onto my face.
My hair was the same as usual, except my curls were bouncier... And curlier. I normally had natural curls, but Addi decided to go overboard and use a curling iron to make them much more defined.
"Do I have to wear heels?" I asked, looking at Sophia who was walking around the room picking up random items. "I don't want to sit there overdressed, when I specifically asked Niall not to overdress himself."
She looked at me as though I had good point and thought for a second...
"Fine... But only because your regular shoes match your belt," she sighed out of defeat.
I mentally thanked myself for not having bought those green converse, and choosing red instead.
"Thank God," I sighed throwing my head back onto the pillow.
"ROSALINE--" Addison shouted. I knew she was mad about my hair, but I didn't feel like caring much. I just closed my eyes.
I heard a thump, but ignored it.
Seconds after the thump, a distant high pitch scream sounded the house, followed by a crying.
I sat up quickly, scanning the room for Sophia, then quickly looked at Addison to see if she had heard it too. She was already running out of the room.

Never Forget [book one]
Fanfiction{Complete/being edited} - Niall Horan & Rosaline Kendall have been bestfriends for as long as they can remember. Before Niall auditioned for the X-Factor, they promised each other that they would never forget the memories, childhood, and adventures...