Chapter Six

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Rosaline's POV:

I woke up to a high pitch giggling, and little feet trampling all over my bed and found myself smiling big.

"Wake up, doody pants! Wake up, wake up, wake up, Rosie!" ...more giggling. Oh, Soph.

What time is it? Why is today so important that I needed someone to wake me up? It seems like I'd only gotten merely two minutes of sleep.

I groaned, and turned over to see the clock, it being the early minutes of 7 AM.

I sat up and pulled the fully dressed and giggling Sophia into my lap. "Who sent you to wake me up?"

"Mummy and Daddy," Sophia says then mumbled incoherently something about them having already left. She turned around to show me a note stuck to her back with an envelope under it.


We went back to Ireland. Be back in three weeks tops. The reason? Grandma Jane is sick... and we have to be by her side, and can't let Sophia see her in her current state, so we had to leave her with you. Please don't do anything rational or reckless... If you need money, there's some in the envelope.

Be safe, we love you. x

Mum & Dad

"You've got to be kidding me," I mumbled under my breath.

"What we gonna do t'day, doody pants," Sophia said, cupping my face, making me look like a fish.

I laughed, "I'm not sure Soph, but I have to get ready and I'll take you out to eat."

I got dressed in skin fitted black denim jeans, a black shirt, a white cardigan, and brown boots that stopped right below my knees. I took my phone off the charger and picked Sophia up off my bed.

"What do you want to eat, munchkin?" I asked Sophia, starting down the stairs with her on my hip.

"MaDonalls!" she cheered, flashing her perfect pearly white baby teeth.

When we got to McDonald's, I wasn't hungry, so I bought Sophia a happy meal. As we sat down, and Sophia began to eat, I pulled out my phone, to check it for the first time since last night. There were a couple of text messages, but only one caught my attention.

The number looked so familiar as I peered at it for a moment. Then when I opened up the text, it all made sense...

Hang out with me today, love? x

No wonder it looked familiar. It was Niall, I could tell. A smile appeared on my face. It must have been a big smile too.

"Why so happy?" I looked up to see Sophia sitting infront of me, on top of the table, with criss-crossed legs, eating a hamburger messily, looking down at my phone. Then I remembered, I couldn't hang out with him. I have Sophia.

"No reason. Tell me when you're done eating." I said, adding Niall's phone number as a contact.

"Ottay," Sophia agrees as it also appears to me that Niall doesn't know I have a baby sister, because he was gone being famous and all. I replied to Niall's text.

To: Nialler

I'd love to! But can I bring someone along? x

The response was almost instant.


Yeah, um... of course. Meet me at the park? x

"Aw done!" Sophia said, clapping her hands. I wiped the ketchup off her mouth and her hands. Luckily, she managed not to get her dress dirty.

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