the first plot that i planned didn't work out >:(
so I'm skeptical as to how this friggin' book is gonna end t-.-t
Message me Ideas?!
I'm open. x
Chapter Sixty-Three~
Niall's POV:
It's been pretty awkward now.
But after all, it always is awkward.
We had our last concert in Australia yesterday, the American tour had already been finished, and pretty soon it was time to go home for the holidays.
Tonight everybody was going out to party... I was about ready to drink. I needed to clear my head. Maybe I'd ditch them, and go smoke... Though it's not like me.
Zayn says I need to get laid by some random chick and maybe I'll get over her. But I know there's probably a 1% chance that she hasn't gotten over me yet.
Hopefully. Maybe.
I passed her in the lobby earlier. She had just come from the hotel's theatre looking disappointed, while I was headed to the buffet.
I knew she saw me, because while she was looking down at her feet, when we passed by each other, she had seen my kicks, because she flinched slightly.
I turned around watching her back as she walked away.
But while she was in hearing distance, I called her name.
It was her fault this time, but I was the one trying to fix this, and she just straight up ignored me.
I called her name a total of 3 times. No answer. Okay, if that's how she wanted to play this game, then fuck it... Hand me a controller.
Don't come crying to me when you need help.
But keep in mind... She still had my phone.
She can snoop through it if she wants...
First off, I have nothing to hide.
Secondly, she couldn't even possibly charge it.
And third... She might as well keep it. I'll go buy myself a new one. All my contacts are on my laptop anyways.
Nothing one rock can't kill...
Rosaline's POV:
Ed, Louis, Zayn, Harry, Liam, and Addison and I went out as Ed's end of the tour (that ended today), and the boy's end of the tour (that ended about 2weeks ago.)
Niall didn't join because I was joining. Too bad.
Lou Teasdale was going to watch Sophia.
Me and Addison had only one conversation, and she was telling me about how Harry doesn't allow her to lay on her stomach, because it scares him. I thought about how cute it was... And realized that I wanted a kid, but technically I already had one. And I couldn't possibly take teenage pregnancy criticism. Nor do I have anyone to impregnate me.
And guess what?!
I found my hearing aids right before we'd gone out. Earlier I saw Niall, after watching a movie that I couldn't hear... We didn't talk.
Oh, technically we didn't even go OUT because of the paparazzi at late night clubs, but we went to the boring ole bar inside the hotel.
But anywho.., Addison didn't drink.

Never Forget [book one]
Fanfiction{Complete/being edited} - Niall Horan & Rosaline Kendall have been bestfriends for as long as they can remember. Before Niall auditioned for the X-Factor, they promised each other that they would never forget the memories, childhood, and adventures...