Rosaline's POV:I frowned at Niall because he'd just had the hugest idea when my parents broke the news that they won't be coming home for a while, "But what if they say no?"
"Of course they won't. They like you. We'll tell them later on tonight, if it makes you feel better," Niall whispered, with his hands on my waist, leading me to the second living room.
The TV was off and everybody was sitting on the couches, talking and joking around. This time Harry was in the room, sat between Zayn and Louis, Sophia sat on Louis' lap, and Liam sat on his own little couch, that could only fit one person.
"And they return!" Zayn said, making everybody laugh, including Sophia who didn't have a clue in the world what was going on.
"Har har, very funny," Niall said sarcastically. I giggled, at both Zayn and Niall.
There was only one seat left; a duplicate of the chair Liam sat in. I sat on it, and Niall sat across my lap with his legs slung over the arm rest.
Normally it would be the opposite, but I guess we were goofy like that.
I looked out the window, and noticed it had gotten dark, it must have been like six or seven. Time always went by in a daze.
"What's for dinner?" Niall groaned. "Because someone ate my sandwich," he said, looking a me with devious eyes, then prodded my stomach.
Everyone then looked at me with wide eyes--apart from Sophia--as if I had committed a homicide.
I stared back at them with a perplexed expression.
"You... Ate... Niall's... Food?" Harry asked, as 4 pair of eyes burned holes in my face.
"Yeah!" I burped, making sure it was clear that I had eaten his food.
"One does not simply eat Niall Horan's food," Louis stated, shaking his head vigorously.
"I just did," I shrugged.
It's not like it's the first time. Of course, when we were little, he'd get upset when I did eat his food and would be hurt, but his pain, was my humor. Those days were the best. I laughed to myself.
"I don't want to talk about it," Niall whined, rolling in to a ball, in my lap, and began sulking.
"I'll go order some food," Liam announced, trudging out of the room.
Niall sat up excitedly thanking Liam, then all the joking begun again.
After several minutes, slowly, everyone began to file out, one by one, until it was only us two.
Niall stood up and I felt the urge to pull him back down, because my legs were now cold, but I didn't. I watched him as he stretched, and pulled up his pants a bit.
"Let's go," he smiled, holding his hand out to me. I just smiled in response, obeying him.
Niall was in front of me, dragging me along.
"You guys don't have an elevator?" I asked, out of breathe, and we hadn't even walked up half the staircase.
"No," Niall chuckled, scooping me up. I was too tired to be difficult, and disagree, so I just laid my head on his shoulder.
"That's a first. You guys probably get paid millions of jelly beans a day, I'm surprised you don't have one," I laughed, as he walked towards the room at the end of the hall.
He kicked the door open that was ajar, and set me on the bed.
"Actually we get paid three jelly beans a day..." he joked, "...and a lent ball if we're good."

Never Forget [book one]
Fanfiction{Complete/being edited} - Niall Horan & Rosaline Kendall have been bestfriends for as long as they can remember. Before Niall auditioned for the X-Factor, they promised each other that they would never forget the memories, childhood, and adventures...