Chapter 1

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Ryujin's POV

I was just reading the email that Dr.Tzuyu sent me

"Im off to work love"Soobin said while still fixing his coat

"Hmm..take care"I said

"I'll see you later"he said and kissed my cheeks

I smiled

"I love you"Yeji said with a smile

I blinked a few times

"Love?are you ok?"Soobin asked bringing me back to reality

"O-Oh...yeah babe just a little tired"I said

"Oh ok,get some rest you have a duty later"he said before leaving

I sighed

10 years Yeji...

10 years and Im still hearing your voice whenever he says he loves me...

I closed my laptop and went to Sungjin's room

I opened the door and smiled when I saw my son sleeping peacefully

I sat beside him and kissed his forehead

"Baby....Sungjin....honey wake up its time for day care"I said

My son slowly opened his eyes and rubbed them

"Good morning mommy"my son said with a smile

"Good morning honey,are you ready for school?"I asked

"Ne~"he said and sat up

Sungjin can speak both korean and english

But his english has an Australian accent

"Will you drive me to school mommy?"Sungjin asked while wearing at my clothes

Im wearing  fitted jeans,rubber shoes and blouse,you know

My usual tomboy style

"Yes honey why?"I asked

"Well you always wear those kind of outfit vefore rushing to the hospital"he replied I chuckled

"I'll be driving you to school but nanny Heejin will be picking you up is that ok?"I asked

He smiled

"Atleast youre driving there"he replied

I smiled

"Can you take a bath on your own now?"I asked

He smiled proudly and nodded

"Ok go take a bath my little guy"I said and touched our nose and kissed his cheeks

"Ok mommy"he said and ran to the bathroom

Yeji's POV

"Hyujin!"I called for my son

"Mommy!"he replied back

"Eat your breakfast before we head at dada Lia and mama Chaeryeong

He calls them that

I dont even know why

"Just finishing packong my clothes mommy"he replied

"Hwang Hyujin we'll be traveling for 2 weeks not 1 year"I replied

"Just ecxited mommy coming"he replied and ran down to the kitchen

"Here honey"I said and gave him a plate of his food

"Are you really not telling me where we're going mommy?"he asked

"Its a secret for me to know and for you to find out"I said and booped his nose making him smile showing me his whisker dimples

He even got your dimples Ryu...

"Youre thinking of her again mommy"my son said

"N-No"I said and ate my breakfast

"I see pain in your eyes mommy you cant lie to me"he said and held my hand

He even can tell if Im lying like you....

He then inserted something in my ring finger making me loom at it

Its the promise ring I gave her...

"If youre for each other love and fate will find its way to let you two meet again"he said and hugged me

"Thank you baby"I said nad hugged her back

Lia's POV

Yeji and Hyujin finally came and the kid came running to me

"Dada Lia"he said and hugged me

"Hey buddy"I said and ruffled her hair

"Ready for your flight?"I asked

He nodded happily

"Where are we going tho"he asked

"Its a secret"I said

"Fineeeeee where granny and granma"he asked

"They already left yesterday"I replied

Chaeryeong finally came out of our house and locked the door

I ran to her and assisted her down the steps

"Carefull now baby"I said

She chuckled

"Who are you talking to"she asked

"You and our little angel"I said and kissed her baby bump

She's 6 months pregnant and we're expecting a girl!

Yeji and Chaeryeong are working as doctors at Ryujin's hospital branch here in Seoul

And I became an Architect

Yuna and Hueningkai both became accountants and they own a 5 restaurant

Ryujin....probably became a doctor

I miss my sister

My parents does too

"Lets go lets go"Hyujin said and ran to the car

I drive to the airport

Yeji's POV

I gave the ticket to my son

He gasped

"Melbourne Australia!?"he asked


His dream place

"Yes baby"I said and smiled

He jumped and hugged me

"I love you mommy!!!"he said and kissed my cheeks

Im so glad my son grew up without his fathers traits and characteristics

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