Chapter 27

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Yeji's POV

The surgery was successful

Seeing Ryujin perform another surgery was some how....


I know its only been 5 months

But Im really amazed on her operating skills ever since I became her Assistant Surgeon back in Australia

"Do you want so coffee?"Ryujin asked as she washed her hands

I just finished washing mine so Im currently drying them

"I cant Doc-"

"Drop the formalities"she said and looked at me

I looked back at her

None of us wants to break the eye contact

"I missed you....Yeddeongah"she said

She what

I was about to speak when Jisung called me

"Babe"He called

I turned around to look at him and he smiled as he approached me

"My parents said they want you to join dinner tonight"he said as he put his arm around me

Ryujin cleared her throat

We both looked at her and she's crossing her amrs

And she has this

Cold aura

I gulped

"Doctor Choi Ryujin?"Jisung said excitedly

"Its Doctor Shin Ryujin"she seriously replied

"I-Im sorry wow...Im such a fan"Jisung said and let go of me

Ryujin nodded

"Wahh daebak,I alwasy wanted to learn your techniques when operating"Jisung said

"Glad to know"Ryujin simply replied and looked at me

Jisung looked at me too

"Babe you know her?she's she most amazing and skilled Surgeon on our hospital branches she's also the owner-"

"Yes she knows me"Ryujin cutted him off

I looked at her

Please dont tell him

I gave her a begging look

"Oh?really?"Jisung replied

Ryujin forced a smile

"She's a friend of mine"she replied

"Woah really?why didnt you tell me-"

"You dont need to know every details about her"Ryujin said

And I know her tone

She's annoyed

"Right sorry...we just started dating"Jisung said with sa smile clearly clueless that my ex wants to break her neck

"Did I ask"Ryujin replied

Oh God

Jisung finally noticed something is off

"I-I uhh"Jisung stuttered

Ryujin chuckled

"My apologies I mustve scared you for a moment"Ryujin said clearly faking her smile

Jisung laughed

"Wahh you scared me there Doctor Shin"he replied

"Now I must excuse my self since I still need to fix my office"Ryujin said

And it got me curious

"Why?"I asked

She looked at me

"I'll be working here from now on"she replied with a smile

"Oh Soobin finally agreed for you guys to live here"I said

Her smile dropped

"Babe"Jisung tried to stop me

Whats wrong?

"I guess youre not aware"she replied

"Of what"I asked

She chuckled

"Maybe thats also the reason why youre currently dating someone"she replied coldly before walking away


"You shouldnt have asked that baby"Jisung replied

I looked at him

"Why?"I asked

He sighed

"Doctor Shin and Mister Choi had a divorce few weeks ago....Doctor Shin might still be in pain..."he replied

They what?

"Why?"I asked

"Doctor Shin caught her husband cheating on her"he replied


"When did this happened?"I asked

I dont know

Im annoyed and angry all of the sudden

How dare he cheat on Ryujin!?

What the hell!?

"5 months ago"he replied

I froze

"Doctor Shin just came hime from vacation and caught Mister Choi on bed with his secretary"Jisung replied

Fuck thats it

"Can you cancel dinner for tonight"I said

He looked at me

"Babe I cant it my parents request"he replied

"Well...sorry I cant go"I replied

"What why?"he asked

"I remembered I scheduled something important tonight"I said

"Oh ok...."he replied clearly disappointed

"Sorry,I'll see you around"I said and left

I need to talk to her

Im really sorry for slow updates guys😭

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