Chapter 53

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Yeji's POV

After the thing on Ryujin's office I immediately did my rounds since Im already 30 minutes late

I read my list and went to room 14

Once I opened the door I saw Chaeryeong

I think she just finished checking on the patient

She approached me and checked her list

"It says here I'll be doing my rounds with you unnie"she said

I smiled and nodded

"Sorry if I was laye Ryujin asked for my help to uhmmmm do Biopsy on a patient"I reasoned out

She smiled and nodded

"Lets check our next patient"she said

I nodded and quitely followed her

"How was the last patient?it says here he's recovering form a heart transplant surgery"I said

"He's doing fine unnie might be discharged after 3 or 4 days,I made sure to temind his nurse to just give him medications that has a specific portion"Chaeryeong replied

"Oh ok"I said

"Lunch must be fun"Chaeryeong said

I chuckled

"Not at all,Ryujin kept glaring at Jisung"I said

"I wasnt talking about that unnie"Chaeryeong giggled

I looked at her

"What do you mean?"I asked

"Well..."she said and stopped walking

"I wasnt aware that youre Dr.RJ Shin"she said and smirked

"What?"I asked and looked at my name pin

Dr.RJ Shin

Oh shit!

I mustve exchanged uniform with Ryujin!

"Welp theres no way out of that"I said making Chaeryeong chuckle

"Horny Doctors"Chaeryeong said

"Y-Yah"I said and giggled

"Lets continue our rounds unnie"she said with a smile

Ryujin's POV

"Hope baby Reign feels better soon"I said as I just finished checking a 1 year old baby with her mother

"Thank you Doctor Hwang"the mother thanked me

"I beg your pardon?"I asked with a smile

"Oh you name pin says Dr.YJ Hwang thats why I assumed youre last name is Hwang"the mother replied

I bit my lip and try not to laugh

I exchanged uniform with Yeji didnt I?

I looked and Ji-eun unnie and she's also stopping her self from laughing

"Yeah uhmm Im actually Doctor Shin maam"I said and gave the mither a smile

"Oh you must be a newly weded woman congratulations in your wedding"the mother said and bowed

Thats when Ji-eun unnie lost it and started giggling

I started to giggle too

"She's actually Doctor Shin maam,she mustve grabbed the wrong coat"Ji-eun unnie said

"Oh my apologies Doctor Shin"the mother said and I nodded

Then her baby started crying

"Oh baby whats wrong?"the mother asked

But the baby continued crying

"First born?"I asked

"Yes Doctor and the inly child too...her father left us when she was just 1 week"she replied

Poor girl

I stood up

"Here give me"I said

She handed me the child and I started swaying my body and staryed humming her a lullaby

Baby Reign started calming down and leaned her gead on my shoulder and started rubbing her eyes

Must be sleepy

The door then opened revealing Yeji

Yeji's POV

I saw Ryujin holding a child and putting it to sleep

My heart melted and I smiled

She carefully gave the child back to its mother

"She's just sleepy,when she started crying like that again just carry her and  sway your body and humming a lullaby can help too"Ryujin said

The mother smiled and bowed at her

"Thank you Doctor Shin"the mother replied and bid her goodbyes

"Doctor Hwang what brings you here"Ryujin asked acting professional infront of nure Ji-eun

"I think you already know that"I said and took off her coat that I was wearing and handed it to her

She chuckled and took off my coat and handed it back to me

"Must be a fun lunch Doctors"nurse Ji-eun said causing us to laugh

Fun lunch indeed

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