Chapter 49

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Ryujin's POV

Yeji finally unlockef her house door and the two kids immediately ran around the house

"Let me bring that to the room"Yeji offered

"No its ok baby"I said and sniled as I looked around the familiar house

"Missed this place?"Yeji asked with a smile

"Yeah I did actually"I said and chuckled

"Mom we'll be in my room"Hyujin said and ran with my son towards his room which apparently was the old guess room that me and Chaeryeong used to sleep on Lia unnie's birthday

The more I look around the more memories I remember

I then felt arms around my waist and a soft kiss on my shoulder

"I missed you being here with me"Yeji said i chuckled and turned around to face her

"Hmmm I missed being here too maybe we should...."I said while I wrapped my arms around her neck

"Invite the others to play another game of truth or dare?"I said seductively intentionally teasing her

She smirked at licked her lower lip

"Nice idea but this time I'll top"she replied making me chuckle

"You?top?really Yeji?"I said teasing her again

She raised her eyebrows

"You want me to prove it miss Shin?"she said

I let her go and walked towards the bed room with my bags

"I need to unpack"I said

She groaned

I looked back at her

"Bedroom after dinner"I said and winked at her

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath

"Stop doing that"she said

I just chuckled and went to the bedroom to unpack my things

Yeji's POV

Ryujin prepared dinner for the rest of us and we happily ate

Like a real family


I then looked at Ryujin

Would she?


Its too early for me to ask that question


We're just starting again after years

I should wait a few more months

"Im full"Sungjin said

I smiled

"Me too mom Im full"Hyujin followed

I chuckled cause I already know what this means

"Ok ok you can play roblox now but ask Mommy Ryujin first"I said

"Mommy pleaseeeee can I play roblox with hyung now"Sungjin pleaded his mother

Ryujin chuckled and nodded

"Yayyy thank you mommy"Sungjin said and ran to hug his mother

"But dont stay up late ok?I love you baby"Ryujin said and kissed his son

"I love you too mommy"Sungjin replied

"You too Mom Yeji"Sungjin sain and ran to hug me

I smiled

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