Chapter 17

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Yeji's POV

Its alreay 4 pm and Ryujin isnt back at the hotel room yet

I fixed my self and went to my son and Sungjin's room to check if she's there

I knocked on the door and my son opened it for me

"Is your aunt Ryujin here?"I asked

"She hasn't been here all day mommy"he replied

"Yeji!!!!"Sungjin said and ran towards me

I happily picked him up

"Sup buddy?"I said with a smile

"Hyujin hyung and I are playing games on his ninte-..nineten....Hyung what is it called again?"Sungjin asked my son

Hyujin chuckled

"Its called a nintendo switch Sungjinah"my son said

"Nintendo!"Sungjin said and clapped his hands

I smiled

"Ok you two keep in playing while I go look for Ryujin"I said placing Sungjin down

"Ok mommy"Hyujin said and kissed my cheeks

"Bye Yejiii"Sungjin said with his famous box smile and waved

I left and went to Lia and Chaeryeong's room

I knocked on the door and Lia answered it

"Whats up?"she asked

"Have you seen ypur sister?she went out like 1 pm and she's not back yet"I replied

"Really?"she asked concernedly

"She's not at the kid's room I'm pretty sure she's not at ypur parents"I replied

"Have you tried calling her?"she asked

"Lia I dont have ger number remember?"I replied

"Right sorry"sge replied and fushed her phone out of her pocket

She gave me Ryujin's number

I went down stairs then to the beach and called Ryujin

After a few seconds of ringging she finally picked up

I was about to speak when a guy spoke

"Hello?"the guy said

My eye brows frowned

"Who is this"I replied seriously

"Oh this is the bartender at a bar on the east side of the resort,good thing you called the owner of the phone is drunk and few guys are hitting on her if you know the owner please pick her up"the bartender replied

"Can you please make sure no one touches her until I get there"I replied

"Sure thing"he replied and I quickly ended the call

I ran to the east side of the resort and found a bar

I looked for Ryujin and when I spotted her I quickly went to her

"Hi Im the person who called earlier"I said

"Oh thank God youre here mate,here ya go her phone,you can take ger back to her hotel"the bartender replied

"Thank you"I said and grabbed the phone

"Ryu"I tried waking her up but she just groaned

"Hey lets go"I said

No response

I sighed and wrapped on of her arms around my neck and helped her stabd up but we only ended up stumbling back down

"This isnt gonna work"I said to my self

Aish I have no choice

I picked her up bridal style and took her back to our room

I gently placed ger down on the bed

Geez she smeels like alcohol

When did she learn to drink?

"Im gonna call you sister to wipe your body"I said and was about to stand up

When a hand suddenly pulled me back down

And another hand held me on the nape

"Dont...leave..."she whispered

I gulped

Our face is just few centimeter apart from each other

"R-Ryu....I'l just get Julia-"

I was cutted off when she pulled me by the nape

Crashing her lips on mine

I tried to stop myself from taking advantage of her

She's drunk

And I dont want her to regret anything

I tried to pull away but she tighten her grip and pulled me even closer if thats possible

She quickly turned us around

Making me lay down on the bed while she hover on top of me


She continued kissing me

After so many tries of denying

My body finally surrendered to her kisses

My hands started crawling up to her neck but before I could ever wrap my arms around her neck

One of her hand caught mine and started leading it to her blouse

I gulped

"Take it off"she drunkly said

I gulped and didnt move

She groaned and started kissing my neck agressively making me moan loudly

She let go of my hand and started taking her blouse off

"Ryujin...."I moaned as she continued marking my neck

She pulled me up

Removing my shirt off of my body

Oh God its actually happening

She removed every piece of clothing that Im wearing before removing hers

She hurriedly placed her ceneter of mine and started rubbing out pussies together making me arc my back and claw her arms as I loudly moaned her name

"Oh God R-Ryujin!"I struggled to say as my body filled with pure pleasure

She's groaning and moaning as she continued to move her hips

I felt my walls tighten even just after a while

Jesus the effects of Shin Ryujin to me

"R-Ryu I-"O didnt even finish my sentence when my body started shaking uncontrolably as we both came at the same time

She placed her forehead on mine as I hear her catch her breath

She then lay beside me

"Yeddeongah...."Ryujin drunkly said

"N-Ne?"I asked still trying to catch my breath

"Sarangahe...."she whispered

I gasped and looked at her

I was so over whelmed that I didnt even noticed my tears starting to fall

"Mianhae...I left you...i was just hurt...."she contiued

I sobbed and hugged her

Burrying my face on her neck

"Mianhae....I didnt know what I was doing back then...."I sobbed

"Saranghae my Yeddeongah..."she said and placed a kiss on my forehead before finally falling asleep

I pulled her closer

"Nado Ryuddaeng..."I replied

I hope she remembers this tomorrow...

Yes gays Im freaking back with the smuts😆
Hoped you enjoyed😆😆

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