Chapter 19

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Yeji's POV

I took her to the nearest mall

"Where do you want to go first?"I asked as we walked hand in hand

"Arcade sounds fun right now"she replied

"Arcade then"I replied

We walked to the arcade and I baught some tokens

We played the shooting game

And like when she first played call of duty

Her aim is priceless

After that we played the claw machine

And after a few tries Ryujin gave up telling the machine is cheating

She then drag me to the basketball game

I decided to tease her

"First to score 500 gets to top tonight"I whispered and bit her earlobe

She groaned but hit my chest lightly

"No fair your a basketball player when we were in Senior high"she said with a chuckle

"Your hands are prrtty talented too"I said with a smirked

"Yah Hwang Yeji shut up"she replied as she looked around worried someone night hear me

I chuckled

"The arcade is pretty empty I bet we can do it here without being seen"I said

Her eyes widened making me giggle

"I was joking baby"I said and kissed her cheeks

"First to 500 then"She said anf inserted a coin on the slot and started playing immediately

"Hey no fair Shin"I said and quickly started the game too

She was strugling so I was certain Im going to win

And I did

"500"I said and looked at Ryujin

"Im impressed"sge replied

I chuckled and carried her

Placing her down on the flat surface of the machine

I held on her waist as I qucikly leaned in to kiss her lips

No even worryimg on being seen

Her arms wrapped around my neck and pulled me closer

She bit my lower lip making me groan

Before she pulled away she tugged on my lower lip

We both opened our eyes and stared at each other

I held her face with one of my hands

"Thank you...for letting me spend this day with you"I said

She held my face

"Thank you for making me feel true happiness after 11 years"she replied

And that broke me....

She's been faking her happiness for 11 years...

She's been feeling like hell

And I wasnt here to help her....

"Lets go"I said and changed the topic

Ryujin's POV

Yeji dragged me to a instrument store and baught a guitar

"I didnt know you play the guitar"I said

"I just learned it when you left...I needed something to distract me"she replied

Im sorry....

"Youre balimg yourself"she replied

"Its just...I want to end this all sometimes"I replied

She held my hand

"Please dont...."she said

I smiled and faked a nod

Its true i just want to end it all....

Im tired of it...

Im tired of being told to love someone I dont even feel a single thing...

"Lets go?"Yeji brought me back to reality

I nodded and smiled

Yeji's POV

I bought to the bar near the beach

Its near night time already

"Is it odd that no one is here?"she asked

"Why did you ask"I replied

"This bar is usually crowded"she replied

"Well....I might have rented the whole bar just for us"I replied with a smile

"What"she replied

"Hmm"I shurged ans smiled making her sit on the chair facing the stage

Ryujin's POV

I looked at her as sge prepared her self on stage

What is she planning to do

"Hello mic test mic test"she tested the mic

She looked at me and smiled before strumming her guitar

"Do you hear me
Covered in gray fog
A gloomy day
I’m afraid I’m blind now
I’ve lost interest
In everything"she started the song

"Do you hear me
As I walked down the street, I saw a
Different way
I turned around and found no one
The dreams I’ve been after
I follow them"she sang as she looked at me

"I’m dying inside
I wanna think that it’s a lie why why
Even if I shout there is no answer
A flood of loneliness
In the rain rain rain"she strummed her guitar as she closed her eyes

Is she talking about me....

"She’s in the rain
When I look at how beautiful you are
Time stops
It’s hard to even open my eyes now
No whoa, she’s in the rain"she said and paused

"Do you hear me
Even if you’re hurt you don’t show it
I’m so scared of seeing the end
In your eyes I can see
The emptiness"she sang with pain and comcern in her eyes

"She’s dying inside
She wants to think that
It’s a lie why why
Even if I call her, she’s not answering
A shower of rain
In the rain rain rain"

She's totally talking about me

"She’s in the rain
When I look at how beautiful you are
Time stops
It’s hard to even open my eyes now
No whoa she’s in the rain

In my memory
Your traces spread
As if the rain has soaked them up
I lose track of where to go
In your tears
Of frozen reality"she placed down her guitar and took the mic

She then started walking towards me

"She’s in the rain
You wanna hurt yourself
I’ll stay with you
You wanna make yourself
Go through the pain
It’s better to be held
Than holding on"she sang as she hold my hand and started at me

This is where my tears started falling

The lyrics of the song hit me so hard

"We’re in the rain"she hugged me as she hit the high note

"In this falling rain
I fill the scattered you
So I could see how beautiful you are
No whoa we’re in the rain"she finally finished the song

I stood there

Hugging her tightly as I sobbed


Why must everything be so complicated....

Why cant I just have her back....

Stan the rose😭😭❤

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