Chapter 42

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Ryujin's POV

I saw a car approaching and we immediately stood up

Please be Chaeryeong

Please be Chaeryeong

The car stopped infront of us

The back door immediately opened and I saw Han

He immediately ran towards Yeji and hugged her

I clenched my fist

Be calm Ryujin

Be calm

"Are you ok babe are you hurt?"Han asked Yeji

I looked at her and she looked back at me

"I-Im ok"Yeji replied

"Thank God"Han said and kissed her forehead

This time my jaw even clenched

Then I felt someone held my clenching one

"Calm down"Minho said

I looked at him and nodded

"Are you ok?"he asked


No Im not....

"It hurts"I whispered loud enough for the both of us to hear

"Awww its ok buddy"Minho said and pulled me for a hug

Yeji's POV

Lee Know hugged Ryujin and Ryujin hugged him back

I looked down

I know she's jealous

I saw her eyes earlier

"Lets go get your car unnie"Chaeryeong said

"I-Its not that far me and Ryujin-"

"I think Ryujin needs some rest"Lee Know said

I looked at them

Ryujin avoided eye contact

W-Were her eyes red

I was about to walk towards her when Han held my hand

"I'll acompany you there"Han said

I didnt have any choice but to agree

"Lets go"Minho softly said as she assisted Ryujin inside Chaeryeong's car

"We should start walking too"I coldly said to Han

Chaeryeong's POV

We followed Yeji and Han as they walked

I looked at the rear mirror and saw Ryujin staring,actually no.....she's glaring at the two

Her eyes are red

She just cried

"Are you ok Ryujin?"I asked

She looked at me

"I-Im ok Chaer"she replied

"Stop lying youre jealous arent you"I said

She sighed and nodded

"You guys should talk"I said

"How when that Han Jisung wants Yeji beside him all the fucking time"she replied

"I'll try to talk to Jisung later"Lee Know replied

I cleared my throat

God I wish my wife is here

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