Chapter 54

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Hyujin's POV

"Bye mom"I said and kissed my mothers cheeks

"Bye mommy take care"I said and kissed mommy Ryujin's cheeks

"You too,We'll pick you up later ok?"Mommy Ryujin said

I gave her a smile and nodded

I gave them my final wave and went inside the school

On my way to the SSG office I bumped into someone

"Oh Im sorry"The person said

I looked up since they are a little taller than me

W-Whats going on....I-I cant move....

"Are you ok?"the person asked

I gulped

"Im alright"I said and quickly walked away

I held my aching chest

Whats happening

Yeji's POV

I knocked on Ryujin's office door

"Come in"I heard through the speaker and the door unlocked

I slowly opened the door and saw Ryujin on her specs encoding something on her computer

She paused for a moment to look at me

She smiled

I smiled back at her and approached her

"Are you busy?"I asked

"Not really"she replied and pulled me to sit on her lap

I leaned my back in her as her hands wrapped around my waist

"Are you done taking your rounds?"she asked and placed a soft kiss on my shoulder

"Hmm"I replied as my body relaxed

She really is my comfort zone

I wonder what our future would be

Would we end up together this time?

I hope so

"What are you thinking of?"she asked

I smiled and looked at her

"What our future would look like"I replied

I smiled

"What about it?"she asked

"Would we finally end up together now?"I asked softly

Afraid of any circumstances that might break us apart again

She smiled showing me her whiskers and held my right habd before kissing it

"I'll make sure of it this time"she replied and kissed my forehead

I smiled

"Do you wanna....move in with me and Hyujin?I mean the hohse is not that big but I can save up to buy a bigger one"I said and looked at her

She smiled

"At least the house fits five people then we should be good"she replied

"Five?"I asked

"Well....I was wondering if we could you know,have another child in the future,a girl to be exact"she replied

I smiled

"You want another child?"I asked

She smiled cutely and nodded

"We'll plan for it soon"I said and kissed her passionately

"So youre going to live with us now?"I asked

She chuckled

"Im already sleeping at your house I though me and Sungjin already moved in"she replied

I smiled

"I love you Ddaeng"I said and held her cheeks

"I love you and our family"she replied

Making me smile more

Our family....thats....actually nice..

Hyujin's POV

I was just taking my notes when someone knocked on our door

I looked up and saw the School President

I stood up

"Everyone"I called our whole class since Im the class president adn also the president of the Student Council

"Dul,Set,Good morning School President"we all said and bowed

"Stundent Council President"The School Preisdent called

I raised my hand

"Are you busy?"she asked

"No maam"I replied

"Good can you show the new student around the school"she asked

"Yes maam"I said and bowed then approached her

Thats when I sae the new student

I-Its the person I bumped into earlier...

"This is He Xinlong he is from China"The School President said

I gulped

He smiled at me and waved his hand

"Hi"He said and smiled

Its happening again....

Why is my chest aching

"Actually maam...can the Stydent Council Vice President show him around?"I asked

"Why?"the School President asked

"I-I dont feel well I think I need to go to the clinic"I said

"Oh my are you ok?should I call your mother?"the School President asked

"Im fine miss"I replied

"I'll accompany you to the school clinic,then if youte feeling better you can show ne around campus"the boy said

I looked at him

My chest is still aching

"O-Ok follow me..."I said and started walking towards the clinic

I'll ask mom about this later

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