Chapter 71

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Ryujin's POV

Its been 3 days..

I haven't left our room

Not even moving around the room

Im just in bed

Sitting, Laying down, Crying

God I haven't eaten anything yet

I was just sitting on the bed looking at my wrist and and touching the bruises my brother left

Get away from me



Yeji's POV

I slowly opened the door and saw Ryujin staring at her wrist

I sighed and slowly closed the door before sitting behind her and hugged her

She flinched when I kissed her shoulder

When she saw me she her body relaxed

"How long have you been hugging me"she spoke weakly

"Just few seconds ago"I said 

She smiled at little and nodded

I looked at the bedside table and saw that she didn't even try to eat something again

"What happened to my baby foodie"I said

She looked at me

"You used to eat all the time"I said and held her hands

"I-Im just not in the mood to eat"she said

"Its been 3 days love you''l get weak sooner or later"I said

"I'm sorry..."she whispered

"Why are you apologizing?"I asked

"I-I just...I felt like I have to..."she replied

Did my actions affected her that much?...

Yes I wanted her to stop blaming me for everything...

Yes I wanted to apologize when its her fault...

But I didnt want this...

She's been apologizing for everything lately....

Even for the things she didnt have to

"Stop"I said

She looked at me...worried..

"D-Did I do something again?I-Im sorry I-_ didnt mean to-"

"Stop apologizing when you dont have to baby"I said

She gulped

"I'm sorry for making you feel like that..."I said

she fixed her self and held my face

"Its not your fault...all thats happening right now is because"she said softly making my eyes tear up

"Not everything is your fault Ryu.."I said

Ryujin's POV

I just gave her a smile and hugged her tightly

Im sorry Yeddeong....

Youre crying again....

I shouldve just...died...

I dont think I deserve to be here anymore...

"You wont leave me right?"she asked

"Would you?"I asked

"Never...but would you?"she asked

"C-Can I be honest?"I said trying to stop my self from crying

"I want to die..."I shakingly said

She broke the hug and looked at me with concern in her eyes

"I-I feel like I dont deserve to be here...."I said

"Does that mean you'll leave me?Sungjin?Hyujin?"she asked

"No..."I said

"Then live baby..I'm always here..We'll work our way back up to what we were before"she said and held my face

"D-Do you still love me?"I asked

After everything Yeji...

Do you still love me the same?

"Who said I stopped loving you?"she said and smiled

"I did loved me for so long back then but I didnt even bother to love you back...I kept entertaining my clients even if you already submitted yourself to me...but you still accepted me...I cheated on you without letting you explain,I lied straight to your face when you asked where I was that night...but you gave me another chance...all you did was understand my flaws...Its time I understand yours"she said and placed her forehead in mine

"I love you Ryujin...I'll always will and forever will"she said 

"I love you too"is all I can say before bursting into tears

"Promise me you'll marry me"she said making me chuckle for the first time in 3 days 

"I promise"I said and leaned in capturing her lips

Cant write smut updates for now since college is a hell

But dont worry I'll make time for you guys!

Love yall

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