Chapter 41

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Yeji's POV

I slowly opened my eyes

I smiled at the sight I saw

Who wouldnt smile when you wake up next to Shin Ryujin?

They dont call her "God's favorite" for no reason

I raised my hands to slowly tuck the lose strands of hair behind her ear

She frowned her eyebrows and snuggled closer to me

Burying her face completely on my neck

I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her

Her hand then started caressing the bare skin on my waist

"Are you awake?"I asked with my morning voice

"Hmm..."she responded

"Good morning"I said and kissed her forehead

"Good morning"she replied and kissed my jaw

I fixed my self so I can look at her

She slowly opened her eyes to look back at me

I caressed her face before leaning in for a passionate kiss

"I love you yeddeong"she said and hugged me tightly

"Aigooo I love you too,are you a bottom now?cause youre acting like one"I joked

"I can be your top and your bottom at the same time so dont even start with the teasing"she said making me chuckle

Then her phone recieved a notiffication

She sat up while still covering her body with the blanket

I sat up too and placed my chin on her shoulder and wrapping my arms around her waist

"Who texted you?"I said as I inhaled her scent

Still the same....

"Chaeryeong,she said they're on their way and tracked my phone so they would know where theyre going,she's with Lee Know and-"

I looked at her

"And?"I asked

"Han...."she almost whispered

She placed her phone back down and cleared her throat

I smiled and kissed her bare shoulder

"Dont worry I'll finish things with him later if you want"I said

"I want?its about you,youre his girlfriend,I cant make decisions for you Yeji"she replied and turned around to look at me

I held her face and caressed her cheeks with my thumbs

"I'll talk to him later"I said and gave her a reassuring smile

She nodded and leaned closer

Placing her head on the crook of my neck

"We should probably get change if they're on their way then"I said

She nodded and fixed her self so we could get ready

Chaeryeong's POV

I looked at Lee Know and Han at the rear mirror

Poor guys

Knowing Ryujin and Yeji they probably did things

Those two are like magnets when alone

Lee Know sighed

"Youre aware that Ryujin and Yeji are ex lovers right?"Lee Know told Han

Han looked at him

"W-What?"Han asked

"Oh you didnt know?,I just told you that..."Lee Know replied and looked at the window

"Your point being?"Han asked

"My point is you might be stopping something they both want"Lee Know replied

Geez he's smart to figure that out

"Which is?"Han asked

"Each other"I said

Making them look at me

"They want each other back and the two of you are stopping it"I said

"Two?only Han"Lee Know replied

"Arent you courting Ryujin?"Han asked

"Honestly that was an act to make You and Yeji jealous"Lee Know replied

Ok what?

I didnt know about that?

Excuse me?

Best friend here?

"Me and Yeji?"Han asked


Why the both of them-Ohhhh...

This is some good drama shit

"Yeji so she would go back to Ryujin,You because"Lee Know started

"Because?"Han asked

"I like you Jisung....since....we were kids.."Lee Know said and cleared his throat

I looked at Han

He was just looking at Lee Know

Well this will be an awkward ride...

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