Chapter 62

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Yeji's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night hearing Ryujin throwing up in the bathroom

I got up immediately and rushed towards her

"Ryu?What wrong?"I asked worriedly as I rubbed her back 

"N-Nothing just over worked my self"she replied and wiped her mouth

"Over worked symptoms doesn't include throwing up baby,Im also a doctor I know whats the symptoms"I replied

She took a deep breath and sat down on the floor

"Please tell me whats wrong....Im worried baby..."I said

"Its nothing maybe I just got some flu or something"she replied

"No,we're having you checked"I said

"N-No need yeddeongah"she replied immediately

"We're having you checked and I will check you up my self"I replied

She rolled her eyes and nodded in defeat

"get up we're heading to the hospital"I said

Ryujin's POV

Im fidgeting with my hands while waiting for Yeji to come out of the lab

She didnt let me enter saying I might put something on the samples and change the result of the examination

I was excited,but also worried

Finally she came out with the results on her hands

I stood up and smiled at her

But the expression on her face isnt the one I expected...

I was expecting a happy or excited face...

Instead I was greeted with a worried and some sort of mad face

"How"she asked cautiously

"L-Like how I was made babe..donor"I said cheerfully trying my best to change the cold aura around her

"Who's the donor"she replied seriously

I gulped

"There's no need-"

"Its Beomgyu isnt it?"she replied

"So?We're having a baby Yeddeong"I said and held her hand

Yeji's POV

Out of all guys out there....

"W-Why him?"I asked my voice cracking due to the tears that wanted to fall

"We ran some test on him and he was safe"Ryujin expalined

"Why not Lee Know?,Han?Out of male friends you have why did you choose him?"I asked angrily

I know I should be happy but...

Why him?

"Are you seriously getting jealous right now..instead of be happy that I wanted to build a family with you..."she replied

"We can Ryu,but with another donor"I replied

"Are you not happy atleast?"her voice is filled with hope

I am...but the jealousy....

Speak up Yeji....


She scoffed

"We wanted a baby girl right?"she replied

I looked at her

Tears starting to form in her eyes

"Baby..."I said and tried to hold her hand but she pulled them away

"You still dont trust me with Beomgyu"she replied

I trust you....Its him that I dont trust

"When Yeji?"she asked

"What?"I replied

"When will you let me explain before going off.....When will you appreciate the things I do for us...for you.."she replied

"Babe I do appreciate-"

"But you cant accept the baby just because Beomgyu was the donor?"she replied

"its not like that-"

"Then what is it?what made you go off like this?"she replied

Ryujin's POV

Come on please speak Yeji...

Its hurting me....



I looked at her and sighed

"I thought we're all fine now....I guess I was wrong..."I replied before walking away 

Some one said I should hurt Yeji more

Why not hurt the both of them instead?

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