Chapter 73

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Yeji's POV

We were about to go home

Walking hand in hand and laughing at each others joke

She leaned her head on my shoulder

"If we got married can we move?..."she asked

"Move?where?"I asked

"Jeonju"she replied

"Why there?"I asked

"I just like the historical vibe the houses give there...I wanna live a simple life away from the memories happened here...I was planning on building a branch of my hospital in Wansan-gu and we'll manage that branch while Chaeryeong manages here"she said

"Hmm if thats what you want then ok lets live in Jeonju"I said and sniled at her

"Ryujin"someone suddenly said and grabbed her wrist

Ryujin immediately screamed in horror and her breath started getting heavier and heavier

Beomgyu let go of her

"D-Dont touch me please...."Ryujin begged

My blood boild and grabbed Beomgyu by his collar

"Ya"I said angrily

"Ryujin!"Chaeryeong said and immediately ran to her bestfriend

"Ryu"Chaeryeong tried to calm her down

"P-Please dont touch me....please...."Ryujin said as she cried

"No one will touch you ok?clam down"Chaeryeong said and hugged her

It broke my heart seeing her beg like that

"What happened to her"Beomgyu said

"What happened to her?,she's traumatized by her brother,she lost her baby THATS WHAT HAPPENED TO HER"I shouted at him

"STOP PLEASE DONT!"Ryujin started screaming again and covered her ears

"Yeji unnie stop shouting"Chaeryeong said

I pushed Beomgyu away and pointed at him

"Dont show your face to me, and to Ryujin"I said angrily

"Leave"I said

But he wasnt moving

"LEAVE!"I shouted

"PLEASE!"Ryujin sobbed harder

"Unnie stop shouting!"Chaeryeong begged

Beomgyu tried to approach Ryujin

I quickly pulled him towards to me and punched his face

"Yah,cant you understand a word I say!?I SAID LEAVE YOU FUCKING BASTARD!"I said and punched him again

"YEJI UNNIE STOP"Chaeryeong begged

I grabbed him by the collar again

"You dont wanna leave?lets kill each other huh?"I said and smirked

I lost my self

I wanted to end him

And no one can stop me

I pushed him on the ground and was about to approach him again to attack when I felt pair of arms hugged me from behind

Stopping me from moving any further

"Calm down please..."a hoarsed voice begged

I know its Ryujin becuase my body relaxed

"Lets go home....please"she begged

I took a deep breath

And faced her

"Please"she said and hugged me tighter

I nodded and pushed her away a little

Breaking our hug

Ryujin's POV

Why is she breaking our hug....

"A-Are you mad at me...."I almost whispered...afraid that she wouldnt talk to me

"Why would I be mad at you love"she said and wrapped my arms around her neck

"Lets go home,hold on tight"she said as she bent down a little and carried me bridal style

I looked at her as she started walking us away from Beomgyu

"Dont talk to him from now on"she said

I nodded and buried my head on her neck

"I love you...."I said

"I love you too"she replied

Yeji's POV

I reached the parking lot

I noticed Ryujin's grip around my neck lossen a bit

Did she fell asleep?

I smiled as I opened the door of my car

I slowly put her down on the seat and put her seat belt on

I kissed her forehead

She groaned and moved a little but she was still asleep

I closed the door and drove us home

I looked at her

I hope everything will be fine now...

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