Chapter 23

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Ryujin's POV

I went back at Heejin's house

"Miss?...are you ok"she immediately asked when she saw my state

"Im fine Heejin"I said with a small smile

"Sungjin just fell a sleep"she said

I nodded

"Thank you...."I said and went to the guest room

I looked at my son who's currently sleepin

I smiled and sat beside him

"Im sorry baby...."I whispered and cried

"Mommy?..."Sungjin whispered

I quickly wiped my tears

"Did I wake you up?sorry baby go back to sleep"I said

He held my face

"Are you crying?"he asked

I smiled and shook my head

"Youre lying..lying is bad mommy"he said

I bit my lowet lip

"Mommy and Daddy just had an arguement its ok baby"I said

He looked at me

"You want to leave daddy dont you?"he asked

I looked at him and quickly shook my head


"Its ok mommy,if you dont love daddy you can leave him"he said

I was shocked

I was expecting for him to beg not to leave his father

"Youre ok with it?"I asked

He smiled

"I never saw your real smile until we met mom Yeji"he said

And that hitted me hard

So hard that I was speechless

I've been showing my son fake smiles....

Fake happiness...

And fake love for his father....

Do I even deserve to be a mother at this point?....

"You love mom Yeji dont you mommy?"Sungjin asked


I gulped

He smiled

"I want you for her mommy,I dont want daddy anymore...all he did is make you cry"he said starting to tear up and pouted his lips

"A-Are you really fime with leaving daddy?"I asked

He nodded and started to cry

He hugged me

"I want my mommy to be happy again like on the vacation....I want to see mommy smile truely again....seeing mommy sad makes Sungjin sad too"he cried

I couldnt stop my tears from falling

"Thank you baby....."I said and kissed my son's forehead

"I love you mommy"he said and kissed my cheeks

"I love you too Sungjin"I said

Its time for a change

I need to be a better mother for him

I need to show him whats real happiness is

I dont want my son to grow up on a family that is filled with fakeness

I want her to experience true love form his family

I need Soobin to sign those divorce papers as soon as possible

Soobin's POV

9 am in the morning and theres a knock on my door

I struggled to stand up since my head hurt due to hang over

I opened the door revealing my wife

"Ryujin"I whispered and tried to hug her but she stopped me by showing me papers

"W-What are those"I asked acting like I dont know what she's holding

"I need you to sign this Soobin"she said

I looked at her and chuckled nervously

"Theres no need for that baby"I said

"Soobin you cheated-"

"And so did you"I said

She looked at me

"You think I dont know what happened between you and Yeji during the vacation?"I said


"But Im ready to forgive you hon,lets forget all of this happened and start over again"I said as I held her hands

Not minding that I sound so desperate

"I cant"she said

"Why?"I asked

"Im done faking everything Soobin"she replied

"Theb dont fake it honey,let me prove myself again"I said

"Exactly,AGAIN Soobin AGAIN arent you tired of repeating things arent you tired of me pushing you away?"she said

I shook my head

"No honey"I said

"You hit me 2 times"she said

This is off topic but

"That was a mistake baby"I said

"A mistake only happen once if its done again for the second time its already a choice"she replied

"Fine leave me,giw about Sungjin?will you let our son grow up without a fatheer?"I scared her

"I already talked to him last night"she said

"You told this to a kid!?Ryujin what kind of mother are you our son mustve felt-"

"He's ok with it"she said making me freeze

"What"I said

"Our son is ok with us separating ways"she replied

My mood changed

"Youre not leaving me"I said and grabbed the paper and tearing it to pieces

"Soobin!"Ryujin tried to stopped me but I pushed her

"Take Sungjin and go back here or else I'll take care of everuthing by myself"I said and closed the door

I wont let you leave me Ryujin

Even if it means doing wrong things

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