Chapter 29

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Yeji's POV

I was just having my lunch with Han when I saw Ryujin and Chaeryeong entered the Cafeteria

Ryujin looked at our table and rolled her eyes

Ok whats wrong with her

"I'll just get our main meal"Han said and excuse himself

He came back with a bowl of spicy noodles

I was about to speak when Ryujin sat diwn beside me

"Wahh your such a useless boyfriend"Ryujin said making my widen my eyes

"Excuse me Doctor Shin?"Han asked clearly offended

"Yeji cant handle spicy foods"Ryujin chuckled



But what is she doing

"Is that so I'll order-"

"Nah sit down she can take mine I'll take hers"Ryujin said and took the spicy noodles and replaced with hers

"Thank you?"I said

"Welcome love"Ryujin said and winked at me before going back to her and Chaeryeong's seat

"Does sge usually call you that?"Han asked

"Y-Yeah"I said

"Must be good friends"Han replied

I just nodded

Ryujin's POV

"Are we still not leaving?"Chaeryeong asked

I signaled her to wait

I'm keeping an eye on the two

They started to stand up and when Yeji started walking a resident bumped into her accidentally spilling his coffee on Yeji's clothes

I quickly stood up

"Im sorry doctor Hwang"the resident apologized

"Its ok"Han said and was about to help Yeji wipe her clothes when I stood inbetween them

"Are you ok?"I asked

"Y-Yeah"she replied

I took my handkerchied from my pocket and helped her wipe her blouse and uniform

"Is it a hot coffee?does it burn?"I asked worriedly

"Its cold..."Yeji replied

I nodded

I held her gand and dragged her with me

"Where are you taking her doctor Shin"Han protested

"Do you have any girl clothes?"I asked annoyed

He shook his head

"Exactly"I said and continued to drag Yeji on my office

I opened my bag and grabbed my extra blouse

"Here get changed"I said and handed her the blouse

She looked at me for a second and started to unbotton her blouse

I quickly turned around and cleared my throat

"U-Use the bathroom"I stuttered

Damn it

"Ok.."she said and went to the bathroom

I took a deep breath

Few minutes had passed and the bathroom door opened

"Thank you"she said and I nodded

"Do you have an extra uniform?"I asked

She sook her head

I took off my name pin then placed it on my desk

I then took off my white blazzer which is our uniform and gave it to her

"Wear this for now I'll have that one washed"I said and grabbed her dirty uniform and blouse

I removed her name pin and handed it back to her

"What are you doing"Yeji said making me look at her

"Trying to be civil with you"I said

"I need you in my office"she said

I chuckled

"Not too civil Hwang you have a boyfriend"I said

"I just need to check something"she replied as she rolled her eyes

"Which is"I asked

"You might be suffering from bipolar disorder"she replied

I laughed and crossed my arms

"Youre a surgeon not a psychiatrist"I said

"I studied Psychology and  Im a lisensed Psychiatrist if you dont know"she replied

"Im not suffering from bipolar disorder"I saif

"Then why are your mood swings so confussing"she replied

"Do I need to repeat my self?"I said

"What?"she asked

I rolled my eyes and approached her

"Im jealous Hwang"I said

"Of what"she replied

"You and Him"I said

"Why"she asked

"Oh I dont know I guess Im jealous with no reason at all"I said sarcadtically before leaving her alone at my office

She's so dumb sometimes

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