Chapter 82

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Lisa's POV

"Hon I feel like we should visit Yuna"Jennie said while playing with her mug of coffee

My wife had a dream that our daughter isnt in a good condition and  it made her worry about our daughter

To be honest I feel uneasy too but I dont wanna worry my wife too much

"Yeah I think we should, she stopped visiting us for months already"I ended up saying

"I'll go get ready then"Jennie replied and stood up

Then I hear the door bell rang

I looked at my wife before standing up to open the door

"Mom"I heard a familiar voice said and the person immediately hugged me

Of course that person is my daughter

"Yuna!"my wife said and immediately joined our embrace

"What happened"I said as I looked at my princess as she cried

I noticed the bruises and cuts on her arms

I looked at the person she came here with

"Ryujin what happened"I said sternly

Anger can be heard on my voice

"K-Kai was abusing her aunty..Im sorry I only knew about it today"my niece apologized

"He was what?"I said as I looked at my daughter full of concern

"Oh my God my poor baby"Jennie said and hugged our daughter tight

"Why didnt you tell us?"Jennie asked as tears started to fall from her eyes

"I was afraid he'll do something else if I left him mommy I was scared for my life Im sorry"Yuna cried

I felt my blood boil

"where is he"I asked

Yuna looked at me

"I think he's at their restaurant here in Seoul aunty"Ryujin repllied

"Mom dont please"Yuna held my hand

Ryujin's POV

if there is someone I got my temper 

Its obviously my aunty Lisa

We're both willing to kill for those who we love

"Ryujin come with me"aunt Lisa said

"Mom no!, I dont want you to get in trouble besides Ryujin unnie might lose her license as a doctor if she gets in trouble"Yuna said calming her mother

Aunt Lisa looked at me

"I suggest we take this to court aunty, besides the Heuning family is very influential we might put our whole family in danger if we attacked Kai"I said

Aunt Lisa sighed and nodded

"Ryujin, can you accompany your aunt to the police station?, I'll take care of Yuna" aunt Jennie said

I nodded

"I'll just call Yeji and tell her to take care of the hospital for now"I said and excused myself while aunt Lisa gets ready

I called my girlfriend

"Babe?, where are you, are you at Yuna's?"Yeji sadi as soon as she picked up the call

"Yeah..I'm at her parents house, I took her home and currently waiting for aunt Lisa to get ready so we could go to the police station and file a case against Kai"I said

"What?, Why?"Yeji asked

I took a deep breath

"Kai was abusing Yuna...Lia unnie was talking about Yuna and Kai"I said

I heard her gasped

"Kai can do that?"her voice is full of disappointment

Right..She's friends with Kai during Highschool

"Apparently he can"I said

"How's Yuna then?, is she ok?"she asked worriedly

"My cousin is full of bruises and cuts"I said

"Poor Yuna..."she replied

"Ryujin lets go"I heard aunt Lisa said

I looked at her and nodded

"We have to go now love I'll call you later, take care of the hospital for now"I said

"Ok take care I love you"she siad

I smiled

"I love you too honey"I said before ending the call

Yeji's POV

I did my rounds around the hospital

Nurse Ji Eun then approached me

"Doctor Hwang someone wants to meet you I already sent him to your office"she said


Who might that be?

"Ok thank you"I said and smiled at her 

She bowed before leaving

I went to my office and when I opened the door I froze

I forced myself to give him a smile

"Kai, whats up"I said acting I dont know anything yet

He smiled

"Noona, wheres Ryujin"he replied

"Ryujin?, Im pretty sure she's your noona too, and I dont know where she is right now she left earlier"I said

"Did shewent to our house?"he said 

I saw him clenched his fist

I gulped

"No"I bravely answered

He smiled

"Liar"he said

I looked at him

He slowly raised her hand

Showing me Ryujin's ID

I gulped

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