Chapter 39

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Ryujin's POV

I was just in my office when there was a knock on my door

"Come in"I said and pressed the button that automatically unlocks my door

I looked at the door for a few second then Lee Know peeked his head in and smiled making me smile too because of his silly actions

"Whats up?"I said 

"Lunch?"He said and showed me the bag of food he's holding

"Whats in the menu?"I asked as I stood up

He finally entered and placed the food on the table

"Mocha latte and Spaghetti"he said as he prepared the food and utensils

"You dont like mocha"I said

"The mocha is for you and the black coffee is for me"he replied

"Very thoughtful of you to get me mocha and not black coffee"I said

"You hate bitter stuffs"he said and I scrunched up my nose in agreement

We started eating our lunch and I accidentally poured some spaghetti sauce on my blouse

"Damn it"I said as I tried ti wipe it with a tissue

"Thats going to stain"Lee Know said

"For sure mate"I replied

Then my phone vibrated

Yeji:Mayor of Seoul is here he said he needs to talk to you I'll wait outside of your office

"Aish why now"I said

"Whats wrong?"Lee Know asked

"The Mayor of Seoul wants to see me"I said as I stood up 

"Well do you have an extra shirt?"Lee Know asked

"I have another blouse I'll just get changed"I said I quickly got changed and came out while still buttoning my blouse

When Lee Know opened my door I saw Yeji already waiting for me

Yeji's POV

Ryujin is buttoning her blouse

Lee Know is beside her


"Did I disturbed something?"I said in a serious tone

"What?"Lee Know replied

I looked at Ryujin

"I thought he's courting you?I didnt know you two are already together"I said before walking away

"Yeji!"Ryujin said and ran after me

I just continued walking when she finally catch up with me

"Wheres the mayor?"she asked while still buttoning her blouse

"Cafeteria"I said

"Why are you so cold"she said

I stopped walking and glared at her

"What happened back there"I said

"Back where?"she asked confusedly

"At your office Shin"I said angrily

Why am I even mad!?

"We ate?"she replied

"Oh you ate without clothes on?"I replied sarcastically

"What are you talking about?"she replied

"Just admit that something happened and youre just acting like it didnt happned"I said and continued walking toward the elevator

Ryujin's POV



"What do you mean something happened!?"I said and followed her inside the elevator

She just glared at me

Is she freaking jealous right now?

"Congrats on your relationship"she said and pressed the button to the ground floor

I just chuckled causing her to glare at me again making me gulp

Her cat eye is scary ok!?

I sighed 

Fuck it just do it Ryujin

I pulled her and hugged her tightly

"What are you doing"she said 

"Explaining"I replied

"I dont need details Ryujin thats disgusting"she said making me chuckle

"Nothing happened ok?I spilled some spaghetti sauce on my blouse earlier when I received your text I changed my blouse and was in a rush thats why when I came out you saw me just buttoning few of the buttons"I said

"As if Im going to believe that"she replied

"Its true I promise"I replied and broke the hug to look at her

She looked at my eyes

Same old Yeji...

She can tell if Im lying or telling the truth just by looking at my eyes

She nodded and the elevator dinged

She quickly pushed me away and fixed her self

I just smiled

We went to the cafeteria where the Mayor of Seoul is waiting

"Mr.Kim"I said and bowed at him

"Ah Ryujin no need for formality I personally know your father"he replied

I smiled at sat down

Yeji was about to leave when I grabbed her hand and pulled her to sit beside me

"Well I guess you already have a partner for the project Im about to give you"Mr.Kim replied

I looked at him

"Project?"I asked

"Well I need 2 volunteers to go here because residence need medical attention from a spreading sickness"he said and handed me a paper

"Guryong Village?"I said

"Yes,I need 2 volunteers,are you willing to?"he said

I looked at Yeji

"Are you ok with it?"I said

"I mean the villagers there needs medical attention"she replied

I nodded and looked at Mr.Kim

"We'll check their situation tomorrow and then come back here to grab medicines that they need"I said

"Thank you Ryujin"he replied

I smiled and nodded

I guess I'll be alone with Yeji tomorrow

I need to talk to her anyway

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