Chapter 18

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Ryujin's POV



"I sorry I left you....I was hurt"

I slowly opened my eyes

Only to see the woman I love the most beside me

Her arms wrapped around me as my head lay comfortably on her chest

I looked at her for a few minutes before kissing her cheeks and standing up

Wrapping myself with a robe and went to the balcony of our hotel room

I closed my eyes as I feel the warm air  and inhaled

If only I want easy to fool....

Would I be happy with her?...

If only I dont feel guilty that easily....

Will I be married to her instead of him

I bit my lower lip and stopped my self from crying when I felt pairs of arms wrapped around me

I felt a light kiss on my shoulder before she placing her chin on it

"You still use the same body wash"she whispered

"Hmm..."I simply replied

"I still love it....and I still love you..."she said making me face her

"Yeji..."I whispered as my tears started rolling

Why didnt you came earlier?...

When everything is easy to end with Soobin?....

Why show up now? that ecerything will be complicated when I end things with him....

"Please dont cry"she said as she wiped my tears with her thumb

"Its our last day here in Australia...."she said

Making it even more painfull

I shook my head and hugged her tightly

Burrying my face on her neck

She caressed my head and kissed my forehead

"I know you'll choose your family..."she said with pain in her voice

"Im sorry...."I sobbed

"Dont be love...."she replied

We just stood ther


Neither of us wanted to let go....

"Can I atleast spend the rest of the day with you....spend it like we used to?...back in Korea...when I was yours and you were mine..."she said

I closed my eyes and nodded

Yeji's POV

I smiled when I felt her nod

I broke the hug and wiped her tears

She leaned to my touch

"Go get ready baby"I said and kissed her

"Where are we going"she asked

"Im taking you out"I said


"You accepted my request"I cutyed her off

She smiled softly before nodding

"Go take a shower"I said

She smiled

"Youre coming with me"she said

"What?"I asked

She chuckled before dragging me to the bathroom

When she finally closed the door she faced me and wrapped her arms around my neck

Slightly tip toeing to reach me

I chuckled

"Youre still small"I said

"And youre still my bottom"she replied

I chuckled

Let me prove you wrong

I leaned in capturing her lips and slowly untying her robe

Once I finally  romved her she undid mine and I tried to push her inside the shower

"Nope"she replied and quickly changed our position

Pinning me on the tiled wall of the shower

I smiled as I kissed her

She slowed down the kiss bringing it to an end and turned her back at me

She turned in the showet letting the water hit our skin and hair

She handed me the soap and I smiled as I took it

I cleaned her shoulder down to her back

She leaned her body on mine and trailed the soap to her stomach

Drawing small circles on her skin

"Would we be like this if I married you?"she suddenly asked

"I know we would"I replied as I made her face me

"Im sorry....for not letting you explain and cheating..."I said

She smiled

"I already forgave you 11 years ago"she replied before capturing my lips

I closed my eyes and kissed her back

After this day.....

Will it be goodbye??....

Im really sorry for slow updates😭😭
Im a graduating student of senior high so school works are loaded for now
I hope you guys understand😭❤

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