Chapter 59

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Rosé's POV

I heard a knock on the door

I slowly stood up and opened it

As expected

Its Yeji

She immediately knelt infront of me

"Im sorry....I know I promised I wont hurt her again....I just freaked out earlier"she started sobbing

I smiled

"I understand"I said

She looked up at me with tears in her eyes

"I've been there Yeji,stand uo lets talk"I said

She quitely followed me to the living room

"You see,Im a player back in my days"I started and looked at the glass of wine in my hand

"Your aunt Irene is the first girl I took very seriously,but due to addiction to it I wasnt a very loyal girlfriend to her,she tried to understand me and trust me,but I was afraid she would do the same to me,unfair right?,I was cheating on her,but she forgave me,because she love me,and she trust me"I continued

I looked at her

"Wine?"I offered

She shook her head

I smiled

"What Im saying is,Think of Ryunin as her mommy and think of me as you,you did wrong things to her but she forgave you,befause she loves you,I know youre afraid of what Ryujin might do but trust me,Yes Ryujin didnt grew up with us but I know she wouldnt cheat on you Yeji,think about it,she came back to you,all the things she did proves that she would never do those things to you,trust her in this Yeji"I said

"I-Im sorry aunty....I just freaked was so obvious that Beongyu still likes her-"

"But does she likes him?"I cutted her off

She couldnt reply

"Exactly Yeji,no matter how much does that Beomgyu likes her if Ryujin doesnt like him back,he has zero chances of stealing her from you"I replied

This time she nodded

"I hope you understand everything now Yeji"I said

"Yes aunty"she replied softly

I smiled

"She's upstairs"I said

"She quickly excused herself and went upstairs

Ryujin's POV

I looked at nothing while hugging myself to keep warm

I heard the door opening and closing but I didnt pay much attention until I felt arms wrapped around my waist

"Im sorry"the person whispered

I know who it is already

"What are you doing here"I asked

"To fix things"she replied and tighten her embrace

"Can you?"I asked

"C-Cant I?"she responded

"I dont know,ask yourself,can you trust me?"I asked

"I do"she replied

"Then why have doubts"I countered and gulped

Is that too harsh?....

"I-I was afraid"she replied

I removed her hands from my waist and looked at her

"Of what?me cheating on you?ask yourself again Yeji,am I really that person who would cheat on someone I gave up everything even my own dignity to be with?"I said

She gasped and her eyes filled with pain

My knees grew weak and my tears started to fall

"Think of all the sacrifices I made just for you Yeji....does all of that still make you think I could cheat on you?"I said as my voice cracked

She started sobbing and slowly knelt infront of me

"Im sorry"she begged as she held my hand placing it on her forehead

"Im sorry baby please forgive me"she pleaded

I closed my eyes and bit my lower lip

I finally let myself fall on my knees

"Why cant you just trust me Yeddeong?"I sobbed

"I trust you I really do fear got the best of me Im sorry"she sobbed as she shakingly held my face

"Im really sorry love" she begged and placed her forehead in mine

"Please trust me"I begged

"I trust you I promise"she replied

"I love you"she whispered

I placed my head on the crook of her neck

"Prove it"I whispered back

"I will"she replied and hugged me tight

Couldnt update that well since I freaking broke my phone
But i'll try my best to type with a cracked screen lol

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